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    Formal Opinion 90-357 May 10, 1990

    Formal Opinion 90-357 May 10, 1990

    Formal Opinion 90-357 May 10, 1990

    USE OF DESIGNATION "OF COUNSEL"; WITHDRAWAL OF FORMAL OPINION 330 (1972) AND INFORMAL OPINIONS 678 (1963), 710 (1964), 1134 (1969), 1173 (1971), 1189 (1971) AND 1246 (1972) (May 10, 1990) 
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    USE OF DESIGNATION "OF COUNSEL"; WITHDRAWAL OF FORMAL OPINION 330 (1972) AND INFORMAL OPINIONS 678 (1963), 710 (1964), 1134 (1969), 1173 (1971), 1189 (1971) AND 1246 (1972) (May 10, 1990) The use of the title "of counsel," or variants of that title, in identifying the relationship of a lawyer or law firm with another lawyer or firm is permissible as long as the relationship between the two is a close, regular, personal relationship and the use of the title is not otherwise false or misleading.

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    Publication Date

    5/1/1990 12:00:00 AM

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