Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Beyond Boolean: Generative AI Research Skills for the Modern Tax Attorney
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On May 17, 2006, government tax experts, leading tax professionals, and academic stars came together for the first time to study state governments' reactions to tax planning by businesses --a phenomenon that intensified greatly in the 1990s, reached its height in the early 2000s, and continues today. The day-long program at Georgetown University Law Center, was entitled "SALT and Tax Shelters -- Policy, Practices and Problems."
This article was originally published in a special edition of The State and Local Tax Lawyer which assembled in one place some of the best analytical work done on the various aspects of this controversial and important topic. For information on the State and Local Tax Lawyer, Volume 11, No. 2 (2006 Symposium Edition), click here.
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Beyond Boolean: Generative AI Research Skills for the Modern Tax Attorney
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
The Intelligent Fiduciary: Common Problems ERISA Fiduciaries Can Avoid [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Practical Tax Aspects of Drafting Partnership Agreements: Part 2 [CC]
Events | In-Person
25th Annual U.S. and Europe Tax Practice Trends
ETHICS 60 min
The 25th Annual U.S. and Europe Tax Practice Trends Conference will focus on practical tax practice trends for multinational corporations and their international advisors, as well as provide insight…
Events | Webinar
April Argrett Fellowship Applicant Informational Session
Interested in applying for the Argrett Fellowship?
Events | In-Person
2025 ABA-IPT Advanced Tax Seminars
ETHICS 60 min
The ABA-IPT Advanced State Income, Advanced Sales/Use, and Advanced Property Tax Seminars are designed for attorneys, accountants, tax directors, state and local tax managers, government tax official…