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4 strategies for a high-performing, healthy workplace

Nov. 21, 2022

The saying goes, “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” But according to leadership coach Anne E. Collier, it is possible to be a high performer at work and have a healthy, happy life. One does not cancel out the other.

Collier, CEO of Arudia, a firm dedicated to improving culture, collaboration and communication, shares strategies for achieving a culture of high performance and wellness in the Law Practice Magazine article, “Front Lines: How to Solve the Performance-Wellness Conundrum.”

Collier maintains cultivating a healthy workplace culture is key to high performance and well-being in the workplace. “In a passionate, authentic, high-performing and well culture, colleagues are open, honest and communicate directly,” Collier says. “Colleagues respect and value each other’s opinions. They trust each other. They surface issues before they get out of hand. Everyone is engaged and fulfilled by the work. They are resilient … They are optimistic and effective.”

Collier offers the following strategies for cultivating a healthy workplace:

Make it safe to raise concerns. When co-workers feel safe to raise issues and address them without fear of punishment or alienation, people can embrace feedback — and give it — even if they don’t agree with it.  

Ruthlessly prioritize. Be realistic about what you can accomplish within a reasonable time frame. Cheerleading and encouraging yourself and others aren’t bad things, but be open and honest when there is too much to do in too little time.

Clean it up. Commit to initiating difficult conversations as a way to maintain positive relationships and achieving results. Stay focused on solutions. Let others know that you value different perspectives and believe that colleagues mean well.

Keep your word. It’s as simple as doing what you said you would do when you said you would do it. And when you can’t, don’t be afraid to speak up. 

For more strategies, check out “Front Lines: How to Solve the Performance-Wellness Conundrum” in the award-winning Law Practice Magazine, a bimonthly publication by the Law Practice Division that is a free benefit to ABA members. 

The ABC’s of bouncing back

Shannon Polly says people can create their own culture of well-being and resilience with an “ABCDE” exercise. It entails:

  • Adversity: List the facts (just the facts) of what went wrong.
  • Beliefs: Listen to the comments you made about why this happened and/or what will happen next.
  • Consequences: Write about the emotions you experienced and what you might have done as a result.
  • Dispute: Search for contrary evidence. What are the alternative explanations? Argue with yourself.
  • Energize: What did you learn? How do you feel now? What might you do differently next time?
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