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YourABA May 2020


Eye on Ethics / Technology Translators

Around the ABA

Professional Development

Tips to help stressed-out lawyers during COVID-19 pandemic

The global COVID-19 pandemic puts into stark relief the extraordinary stressors that many people can face during these uncertain times. To help recognize the signs and symptoms of behavioral health disorders that can be adversely affected by such events, a panel of experts in the ABA webinar “Staying Mentally Safe, Sound and Sober During COVID-19,” offered strategies to address potential issues — and reinforced that how lawyers manage this crisis is part of their ethical responsibility to their clients.

Professional Development

How much authority do state and local officials have during a health emergency, such as the COVID-19 pandemic?

On April 13, the mayor of Greenville, Mississippi, rescinded $500 citations issued to congregants of a local church for violating a “shelter-in-place” order, after a religious freedom suit was filed against the city. The suit was among a handful of court actions related to states’ authority to limit the rights of U.S. residents to engage in activities such as attending church, traveling across state lines and enforcing eviction provisions during the COVID-19 pandemic.