MARCH 2017
First Focus
E-discovery: Must-knows, landmines and what the future holds
Eye on Ethics
ABA considers amending lawyer advertising rules
Technology Translators
How-to guide for social media advertising
Around the Midyear Meeting
Legal tech: Get with the program or get left behind, experts warn; New tools to use
ABA committee says civil justice system is broken, offers roadmap for improvement
If you start a clinic to help veterans, they will come, panelists say
Challenges to closing gender pay gap loom large
Uncertainty clouds business prospects with Cuba
Panelists call Batson a failure, offer solutions
PSLF programs offer relief from debt burden, say panelists
Defense against Alexa hacks, ransomware and other tech musts to best secure client data
Children are unintended victims of mass incarceration, say researchers
APRIL 2017
First Focus
Are you prepared for your exit?
Eye on Ethics
Compensating nonlawyer employees
Technology Translators
6 tips on using PDFs to increase efficiency, improve workflows
Around the ABA
Avvo, LegalZoom, Rocket Lawyer CEOs advise on moving profession (and your practice) forward
New ABA checklist: Ensuring your cybersecurity when using outside vendors
8 tips on bouncing back from a setback
How mindfulness can improve your law practice
5 tips on best representing LGBT clients
Tips on the right cybersecurity training for your office employees
10 must-dos when serving as a caregiver for family, friends
Ensuring mutual benefits for mentors and mentees
MAY 2017
First Focus
How integrative law can benefit your practice and your clients
Eye on Ethics
Ethics of positional conflicts
Technology Translators
Why 2017 may be the end of notarization as we know it
Around the ABA
27 tips for becoming a ‘superstar’ associate
The two key letters you should be writing to your clients
8 steps for creating value-based pricing that works
Invisible disabilities: How does an employer know when to provide accommodations?
4 must-dos before co-venturing your next case
Using local counsel when lawyering outside of home turf is a must
Why addressing online harassment and discrimination is so difficult
JUNE 2017
First Focus
Why lawyers need crisis communication skills, too
Eye on Ethics
ABA Formal Opinion 477R: Securing communication of protected client information
Technology Translators
6 easy ways to boost document security
Around the ABA
Ways to get clients to pay your bills
Recognize you’re being watched, and 6 other tips for minority associates
3 trends that will impact your workplace in 2017
Why attorneys are flocking to client portals
3 keys for successful interviews with your child client
What every lawyer needs to know about immigration law
ABA annual lobbying effort; Ways for you to save legal aid from chopping block
JULY 2017
First Focus
Serving justice: Mitigating and preventing injustice
Eye on Ethics
Internet keyword advertising
Technology Translators
How online communities will transform law
Around the ABA
10 tips for effective opening and closing arguments
Legal tech gurus forecast how AI will impact your practice
No privilege for lawyer communication with ex-employees, says state supreme court
Today’s legal office: smaller, more flexible and more collaborative
How to best fit pro bono into your law practice
Eliminating implicit bias: First step, admit you have it
Assistance animals: What you need to know
First Focus
Meet the new ABA president
Technology Translators
7 Ways artificial intelligence can benefit your law firm
Eye on Ethics
Conflicts of interest: Examining a current client as an adverse witness
Around the Annual Meeting
9 innovators share big ideas for expanding access to justice
As border searches of electronics rise, here’s how to protect your clients’ data
New study reveals how juries think and behave
Don’t try this at work: Bad practices in hiring
How Trump has impacted immigrants, religious minorities in workplace
Reporters and cameras in the court: Judges sound off
Best-selling writers share how to make the leap from lawyer to author
Ways to tackle your implicit biases
First Focus
How successful lawyers use emotional intelligence to their advantage
Technology Translators
Say yes to robots: AI in legal marketing
Eye on Ethics
Ethical obligations to clients in the wake of a disaster
Around the ABA
New ABA fact-checking site sets the legal record straight
Organize your practice and offload your brain with Evernote
Maintaining resilience when dealing with a mental health condition
5 Ethical tips for solo practitioners
Use the old-school way to streamline your practice — make checklists
Part of courtroom credibility is a willingness to apologize
3 steps for dealing with difficult people
First Focus
In-house counsel survival guide
Eye on Ethics
Red flags and white whales: Beware of problem clients
Technology Translators
Around the ABA
5 tips for making better motions
Becoming partner? Advice before taking the plunge
Ethical landmines on using nonlawyer staff
Gray but not retired: Ways to stay engaged in law
Advising clients on marijuana use, sale
Homeless youth: ABA response, available resources
ABA responds to natural disasters; How you can help
Legal Fact Check: On what grounds can the U.S. revoke an individual’s visa?
First Focus
Why women leave the profession
Eye on Ethics
Technology Translators
Copyright laws and artificial intelligence
Around the ABA
How to deal with your mistakes: Coping ethically and wisely
Is your firm retreat a waste of time or an effective planning tool?
Suspect a client with cognitive impairment? What’s next
4 musts for retaining millennial attorneys
Strategies for a more diverse workplace
New study on lawyer well-being reveals serious concerns for legal profession
Advice on finding a career in national security, as demand grows