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YourABA April 2018


Featured Articles

Client Protection

Ethics on using digital billing assistants

Digital voice assistants are transforming the way businesses in general operate, making daily tasks as easy as a simple voice command. Digital assistants like Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana and Google Voice are now being deployed in law firms as well. Scheduling appointments, getting answers to questions, conducting research, billing and other mundane tasks may now be handled by voice using a desktop computer, smartphone or one of several Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Practice Management

Disaster recovery 101: Essentials for a plan that works

Natural disasters have crippled law firms across the country. Firms in Florida, Texas, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and California are still reeling from the damage caused by recent hurricanes, flooding, wildfires and mudslides. The best way to plan for such disasters is by developing a business continuity plan. The ABA-sponsored webinar, “Surviving a Disaster: Putting It All Together, Writing and Testing a Business Continuity Plan,” provided guidance on putting one together.


Become an expert source for reporters: Get on the air and into print

A few years ago, communications strategist Casey Whittington heard on the news that oil prices were tanking. Knowing his Texas client had insight on the implications, Whittington called every relevant media outlet in the state. And it wasn’t long before he was able to connect his client to an interested reporter. The resulting article was later picked up by more than 50 publications through the Associated Press newswire.


Representing Opposing Counsel

In Formal Opinion 97-406 Conflicts Of Interest: Effect Of Representing Opposing Counsel In Unrelated Matter (1997) the ABA Standing committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility considered the conflicts issues involved under Model Rule 1.7 Conflict of Interest: Current Clients when a lawyer who currently represents a client with interests adverse to a party represented by opposing counsel considers retaining the opposing counsel to represent him in an unrelated matter.