Election Day is fast approaching in the United States, and the American Bar Association is providing nonpartisan programs and information to support voting, civic engagement and the electoral process.
October 28, 2024 Top Legal News of the Week
ABA election resources promote voting, civic engagement
Early voting has been ongoing in many states, and tens of millions of votes have been cast. In addition to Americans electing a new president, there are many congressional, gubernatorial and countless state and local judicial races. Many states and localities have amendments, bond issues and referendums on the ballot, including 10 states with amendments about abortion rights.
About two-thirds of eligible voters cast a ballot in 2020 (about 158 million people), the last presidential election year. The American Bar Association encourages all people who are eligible to vote to exercise that right. In addition to voting being a civic responsibility, it is the people’s chance to have a voice in who represents them and the laws that affect all facets of their lives.
“Election Day is around the corner,” ABA President William R. Bay said. “The most important thing to do is to vote and encourage your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to vote,” Bay added: “This is our opportunity to have a say in how our government operates.”
The ABA remains committed to maintaining integrity and the public perception of fairness in the electoral process. The ABA Task Force for American Democracy held a series of “listening tours” across the country bringing together local election officials and community leaders to discuss the electoral process and bolster confidence in the system.
“Our system of elections is among the safest, most secure and most accurate in the world, and lawyers play a vital role in maintaining that,” Bay said. “The ABA offers unparalleled resources to support this cornerstone of American democracy, providing nonpartisan programs and information to support civic engagement and advance the rule of law.”
Here are some of our most relevant offerings:
- ABA Election Center helps people register to vote, update registration, find polls and more.
- Voting Checklist answers FAQs on voting and the election.
- Poll Worker, Esq. connects lawyers with resources needed to serve as election workers.
- Knight Election Law Forum equips journalists with essential, nonpartisan, fact-based knowledge on election law, in partnership with the ABA
- Defending Democracy Initiative provides your action plan to protect state and local election administrators.
- ABA Election Administration Guidelines serve as the association’s framework for fair U.S. elections.
- ABA Election Law Policies guide our advocacy.
- Task Force for American Democracy addresses issues central to preserving our democracy, including ensuring trust in U.S. elections and improving civic dialog.
- Standing Committee on Election Law offers details on these outstanding ABA resources and our many other initiatives.