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May 08, 2024

Tribal law among topics at 2024 ABA GPSolo, LP & YLD Joint Spring Conference in Omaha

CHICAGO, May 8, 2024 — Legal professionals will gather to discuss a wide range of subjects at the American Bar Association 2024 GPSolo, Law Practice Division and Young Lawyers Division Joint Spring Conference May 16-18 at the Omaha Marriott Downtown at the Capitol District in Omaha, Nebraska.

Highlights of the conference include a fireside chat with the chief justices of Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota at 4 p.m. on May 16, a Solo and Small Firm Awards luncheon at 12:30 p.m. on May 17 and a closing plenary titled “Chief Standing Bear’s Journey for Justice with Joe Starita” at 10:30 a.m. on May 18.

2024 GPSolo, LP & YLD Joint Spring Conference
Sponsored by the Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division, Law Practice Division and Young Lawyers Division

Thursday-Saturday, May 16-18

Omaha Marriott Downtown at the Capitol District Hotel
222 North 10th St.
Omaha, Nebraska

Program highlights include (all times are CDT):

“Indian Law Potpourri: Examining the Tapestry of Native American and Indigenous People Law in Today’s Practice” – This session will review current legal stances around the various and leading laws related to Native Americans and Indigenous people. The panel will discuss the current state of tribal law and major concerns being raised as movements toward pressuring the end of DEI initiatives reach beyond academic settings and into mainstream America. Friday, 9-10 a.m.

“Leveraging Technology to Enhance Your Wellness” – Do you often feel overwhelmed? Do you have trouble picking what to do next and prioritizing your own wellness? This program will discuss how lawyers can utilize technology, apps and external sources to benefit themselves and their practice and why prioritizing well-being and rest is worth the effort. Friday, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

“Saving Democracy and the Rule of Law – Why Lawyers Need to Engage” – This interactive program will lay a foundation for why the threats against democracy at all levels of government are real, based on significant data points and research. The program will present practical suggestions for how lawyers can become involved in nonpartisan, nonpolitical efforts to protect our constitutional republic. The session will address issues facing local elections and how to get involved. Saturday, 8-9 a.m.

“Access to Justice in America’s Heartland: Defining the Problem and Developing Solutions – Part 2” – Join us for a comprehensive discussion of the unique challenges and opportunities related to extending the reach of legal services to rural populations. Experts from Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and South Dakota gather to define challenges, share successes and explore opportunities for intrastate and interstate collaboration. Saturday, 9:15-10:15 a.m.

A complete meeting agenda can be found here, including a list of speakers. For media credentialing, please contact Jennifer Kildee at [email protected].

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