In celebration of Law Day, the American Bar Association will present results from the sixth ABA Survey of Civic Literacy in a virtual event on Tuesday, April 23, at 10 a.m. EDT/9 a.m. CDT. Conducted annually, the survey measures the civics knowledge of the American public as well as their views on a range of topical issues.
April 22, 2024 Survey of Civic Literacy
Attitudes on democracy focus of civic literacy program
ABA President Mary Smith will deliver opening remarks, and Judy Woodruff, senior correspondent for PBS NewsHour and host of “Judy Woodruff Presents: America at a Crossroads,” will moderate a panel discussion focusing on survey results about democracy in the U.S.
Panelists are:
- Danielle Allen, professor of political philosophy, public policy and ethics at Harvard University and author of “Democracy in the Time of Coronavirus”
- Amanda Carpenter, writer and editor at Protect Democracy and former communications director for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz
- Retired Judge J. Michael Luttig, formerly of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit and co-chair of the ABA Task Force for American Democracy
The one-hour program will cover public opinions about democracy, elections and how well people understand their government. This year’s results include whether people believe democracy in the U.S. is stronger or weaker than it was five years ago; whether they have concerns about the integrity of the November general election; and who they believe is responsible for safeguarding American democracy.
The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Click here to register and receive the Zoom link.
The 2024 Law Day theme “Voices of Democracy” recognizes that in democracies, the people rule. For nearly 250 years, Americans have expressed their political views and wishes by speaking their minds and voting in elections. In 2024, the United States will hold its 60th presidential election, and Americans will address fundamental questions about democracy and the rule of law.
Related links:
- Law Day 2024
- ABA Task Force for American Democracy
- ABA Journal:
- “After man is sentenced for threat to kill chief justice, ABA president says threats risk ‘very fabric of our democracy’”
- “Meeting the Moment: ABA leaders call for lawyers to respond to current challenges and look to the future”
- “Yale Law’s Owen Fiss talks about threats to democracy and ‘Why We Vote’”