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November 21, 2023

Emerging technologies, Paperwork Reduction Act on ABA Administrative Law Conference agenda

WASHINGTON, Nov. 21, 2023 — Legal experts and former and current U.S. government officials from regulatory agencies will offer insights on regulatory reform, landmark court decisions and the future of the regulatory state during the 2023 Administrative Law Conference on Nov. 30-Dec. 1. The virtual live conference features 24 panels over two days, and registered attendees will have access to recordings for 30 days after the conference.

Panelists include former and active federal judges and officials from government agencies, including the Administrative Conference of the United States, Consumer Product Safety Commission, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, Department of Transportation, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs and the Social Security Administration.

2023 Administrative Law Conference
Sponsored by the ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice

Thursday-Friday, Nov. 30-Dec. 1

Where: Online

Program highlights include:

“OIRA Leaders on Biden Administration Regulatory Policy” Join the conversation with former Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) administrators and other leaders from recent presidential administrations as they reflect on a very full year of regulatory policy developments. The Biden Administration’s regulatory policy platform is moving full steam ahead with many changes to the way agencies encourage public participation in rulemaking and conduct different forms of regulatory analysis such as cost-benefit analysis and distributional analysis, and even changes to the role of OIRA itself.
Thursday, 9:30-11 a.m.

“Into the Unknown: The Regulation of AI & Emerging Technologies” — The advancement of new technologies has often led to calls for the development and implementation of novel regulatory schemes to promote responsible industry growth while protecting the public and ensuring fair and transparent markets. Regulating emerging technologies comes with its own set of unique challenges, requiring regulators to rapidly adapt to changing technologies and developing understandings of their effects on the public. This may require the use of procedural mechanisms that are flexible and allow for continuous learning (e.g., regulatory sandboxes, pilots, waivers and exemptions, guidance, use of industry standards) as well as collaboration with industry stakeholders, consumers and the broader public impacted by the new technologies. This panel will discuss the regulatory toolbox available to ensure that flexibility while safeguarding the public.
Thursday, 2-3:30 p.m.

“From Complex to CX: Reducing Administrative Burdens through (or Despite) Laws and Policies Governing Paperwork Reduction, Data Sharing and Agency Organization” Congress and the White House have encouraged federal agencies in recent years to take action to simplify their processes and reduce the time the public spends on paperwork and other unnecessary burdens. The panel will address the legal challenges agencies face in furthering these efforts, particularly in regard to the Paperwork Reduction Act, as well as possible areas ripe for future improvement.
Friday, 2-3:30 p.m.

A conference brochure that includes speakers can be found here. For media credentialing and registration, please contact Jennifer Kildee at [email protected].

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