Our country and society are divided over many issues. These divisions are aggravated by incivility in public discourse and a general lack of understanding of civics. Such forces seriously undermine the values the legal profession stands for, including the peaceful resolution of disputes with access to justice and due process for all, the right to protest peacefully and the peaceful transfer of power following free and fair elections.
American Bar Association President Deborah Enix-Ross has made the 3 C’s — civics, civility and collaboration — a focus of her term, calling them the Cornerstones of Democracy. Lawyers must lead the way in promoting the three, which are critical to restoring confidence in the rule of law and empowering people to work toward a more just society.
At the ABA Midyear Meeting in New Orleans, the Cornerstones of Democracy Commission hosted a Feb. 5 panel, “Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, Collaboration,” which addressed what judges, lawyers, teachers, legislators and the business community can do to enhance civics education in schools, communities and business environments.
The panel was moderated by Oregon Supreme Court Judge Adrienne Nelson, co-chair of the Cornerstones Commission. She was joined by Louisiana Supreme Court Chief Justice John L. Weimer, Judge Tiffany Gauthier Chase of the 1st District of the Louisiana 4th Circuit Court of Appeal, and Carl Dermady, a teacher and consultant in Louisiana who has a passion for social studies and civics.
The panel stressed that judges and lawyers in the classroom with teachers can enhance basic civics knowledge and lead to a more informed and participatory citizenry.
Weimer believed strongly in this and sent an email his first day as chief justice to all Louisiana judges asking them to partner with libraries, school boards, teacher associations, state civics associations — anyone who could help advance civics education.