CHICAGO, May 25, 2022 — A new book from the American Bar Association, Law Office Policies, Procedures, and Operations Manual, Seventh Edition, includes everything you need to create a complete, customized manual that can serve as a reference guide for your firm and as a training tool for new employees, associates and temporary workers. This seventh edition has been updated to account for changes in the law and the growth of virtual/hybrid law firms during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Part I offers of a template for a policies and procedures manual that can be adapted to the needs of any firm. Suggested ones are included for every facet of law firm operations, and author’s notes provide guidance on what nuances to consider as you choose which ones to adopt and how to implement them.
Part II provides more in-depth advice on best practices in select areas of law firm operations.
An editable download of Part I is available at a link listed in the preface. Creating a policies and procedures manual for your firm has never been easier — just save a copy of the template, delete the author’s notes and choose the options that fit your firm’s needs.
About the Authors
Marcia Watson Wasserman is founder and president of Comprehensive Management Solutions Inc., which provides C.O.O. to Go™ law practice management consulting services to boutique and midsize law firms. Prior to consulting, she served as chief operating officer and executive director for more than 15 years at several law firms — both local and national — including an AmLaw 200 firm. Wasserman is a fellow in the College of Law Practice Management.
Cynthia Thomas is owner of PLMC & Associates, a law firm management consulting company that provides best practices in human resource and financial management to small and midsize firms. With more than 20 years’ experience as a law firm administrative director and chief financial officer, and certified Six Sigma Champion with white and green belts, she often serves as an interim law firm CFO/COO.
Title: Law Office Policies, Procedures, and Operations Manual, Seventh Edition
Publisher: Section of State and Local Government Law
Pages: 338
Product Code: 5110848
ISBN: 9781641059688
Size: 7x10
Binding: Paperback and eBook
Price: $179.95
Editor’s note: Electronic review copies are available by sending an email to Sarah Craig at [email protected]. If you publish a review of this book, please a digital copy for our files to Sarah Craig at the above email address.
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