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January 11, 2022

ABA TIPS to host dual conferences on fidelity and surety, insurance benefits, Jan. 19-22

WASHINGTON, Jan. 11, 2022 The American Bar Association Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section will host simultaneous three-day in-person conferences from Jan. 19-22 at the Grand Hyatt in Nashville, Tennessee. Kicking off the meeting schedule will be the Fidelity and Surety Law Midwinter Conference Jan. 19-21, followed the next day on Jan. 20 by the start of the 47th Annual Midwinter Symposium on Insurance and Life, Health Disability Benefits that runs through Jan. 22.

Fidelity and Surety Law Midwinter Conference
Sponsored by the ABA Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section

Wednesday-Friday, Jan. 19-21

Grand Hyatt Nashville
1000 Broadway
Nashville, Tennessee 37203

The Fidelity and Surety Law Conference will feature a full day of programming for construction and surety and a day and a half of fidelity programming. Program highlights include:

“Construction – The Construction Document Toolkit” — Panelists will share insight on assembling the best document toolkit to avoid a default or claim. The program will also dive into contract claim and dispute resolution terms once the general contractor encounters a claim or default.

“Fidelity – Litigating the Fidelity Claim” — This program follows a fidelity claim through the litigation process (up to but not including trial) through presentations and panels by attorneys and claims professionals.

“Surety – The Documents Behind the Decisions: The Contracts and Provisions Needed to Navigate the Performance Bond Claim Process” — Panelists will provide a behind-the-scenes look at the Performance Bond claim process from the vantage point of a surety professional and its team. They will discuss takeover agreements, tender agreements and completion agreements, among others, and suggest strategies for protecting yourself by negotiating important and impactful terms in relevant surety agreements.

Click here for the Fidelity and Surety Law Conference full schedule.

47th Annual Midwinter Symposium on Insurance and Life, Health Disability Benefits

Thursday-Saturday, Jan. 20-22

Grand Hyatt Nashville           

The symposium on insurance and employee benefits will focus on the latest issues and trends in life insurance, health and disability insurance, employee benefits and ERISA, and insurance regulation.

Program topics include:

  • “ERISA Hot Topics”
  • “Mental Health Parity”
  • “Survey of Recent Developments in Life, Health and Disability”
  • “COVID Impact on the Administrative Claim Process”
  • “New and Emerging Trends Affecting Insurance Regulations”
  • “Cybersecurity and Privacy”
  • “The Legal Ethics Year in Review: News You Can Use”

Click here for the Insurance and Life, Health Conference full schedule.

Both conferences are open to members of the press. All meeting attendees are required to provide proof of vaccination or proof of a negative COVID test within 72 hours of the start of the meeting. For media registration and to receive further COVID-related instructions, please contact Robert Robinson at [email protected].

The ABA Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section unites plaintiff, defense, insurance and corporate counsel to advance the civil justice system. TIPS is a national source of expertise in tort, trial and insurance practice and brings lawyers together to share information and speak out on issues of importance. The section has over 10,000 members and more than 30 general committees that focus on substantive and procedural matters in areas across the broad spectrum of civil law and practice. For more information visit

The ABA is largest voluntary association of lawyers in the world. As the national voice of the legal profession, the ABA works to improve the administration of justice, promotes programs that assist lawyers and judges in their work, accredits law schools, provides continuing legal education, and works to build public understanding around the world of the importance of the rule of law. View our privacy statement online. Follow the latest ABA news at and on Twitter @ABANews.