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October 07, 2021

Fiscal setbacks, franchise options and hot-button issues top ABA Franchising Meeting

WASHINGTON, Oct. 7, 2021 — Industry experts and top franchise lawyers will convene to discuss the future of franchising at the American Bar Association 44th Annual Forum on Franchising Meeting hybrid conference, Oct. 13-16.  

Legal experts will discuss from a franchise perspective managing in and through a pandemic and its aftermath. Topics include franchise claims, contractual obligations, profit loss, settlement options and nontraditional franchise venues.

44th Annual Forum on Franchising Meeting: Franchising on My Mind
Sponsored by the ABA Forum on Franchising


Wednesday-Saturday, Oct. 13-16


Online and in person                       
Hilton Atlanta
255 Courtland St. NE
Atlanta, Georgia

Program highlights include:

“Regulatory Update” — The panel will discuss the latest franchise regulations and trends. Speakers: Lulu Chiu Gomez, senior counsel, California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation; Maral M. Kilejian, partner, Haynes and Boone LLP; and Peggy Shanks, senior franchise examiner, Maryland Securities Division. Thursday, Oct. 14, 10-11:15 a.m. EDT

“Franchising in a Socially Charged Environment: Franchisor and Franchisee Rights and Obligations When Politics, Race and Religion Collide” — Civil rights, discrimination claims and public relations disasters are often the fallout from franchises “taking sides” amid socially charged subjects such as politics, race and religion. This program will examine the litigation and perception impact that franchisors and franchisees may face when taking public positions on controversial issues. Thursday, Oct. 14, 2:30-3:45 p.m. EDT

“Franchising in Nontraditional Venues, So Many Options, So Little Understanding” — From airports and universities to stadiums and hospitals, franchise deals abound. This panel will look at the basic nontraditional franchising agreements, from registration to working with supplier and distributors. Friday, Oct. 15, 10:15-11:30 a.m. EDT

A complete meeting agenda can be found online.

This event is free and open to members of the media. For media credentialing, please contact Betsy Adeboyejo at [email protected].

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