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August 09, 2021

New book focuses on the convergence of criminal law and immigration law

CHICAGO, Aug. 9, 2021 — A new book from the American Bar Association, “Crimmigration Law, Second Edition,” explores the convergence of the fields of criminal and immigration law.

For most of the nation’s history criminal law and procedure and immigration law and procedure operated almost independently of the other. Criminal law and procedure were thought to be the province of prosecutors, criminal defense attorneys and the state and federal judges. Immigration law, in contrast, was confined to immigration courts housed within the executive branch of the federal government and staffed by immigration attorneys, immigration judges and prosecutors employed for many years by the Immigration and Naturalization Service and now the Department of Homeland Security.

This book provides readers with a fundamental understanding of this developing area of law. It includes case studies and “problem scenarios” that place the concepts discussed within each chapter in a real-world context in addition to “practice pointers” designed to give law students and practitioners seeking an introduction to the complex legal doctrine and practice challenges at the merger of immigration and criminal law. It provides tips and techniques to help lawyers in this area implement the tools into their daily practice.

About the author

Cesar Cuauhtémoc García Hernández holds the Gregory Williams Chair in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties at the Ohio State University College of Law and is of counsel to García & García Attorneys at Law PLLC. He is the author of “Migrating to Prison: America’s Obsession with Locking Up Immigrants” and publishes the blog His articles have appeared in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Guardian and The Nation, as well as in leading scholarly journals such as the California Law Review and UCLA Law Review.

Title:                       Crimmigration Law, Second Edition
Publisher:              ABA Publishing
Pages:                   290
Product Code:       1620809
ISBN:                     9781641059459
Size:                      6x9
Binding:                Paperback and eBook
Price:                     $139.95

Editor’s note: Electronic review copies are available by sending an email to Francine Bennett-Beasley at [email protected]. If you publish a review of this book, please send tear sheets or a copy for our files to Francine Bennett-Beasley, ABA Publishing, 321 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60654.

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