WASHINGTON, May 3, 2021 — Leading Department of Justice lawyers and whistleblower counsel will discuss key enforcement issues under the False Claims Act during a 90-minute American Bar Association-sponsored webinar, “False Claims Act Enforcement in 2021: Hot Topics and How to Mitigate Risk,” on May 19.
What: False Claims Act Enforcement in 2021: Hot Topics and How to Mitigate Risk Sponsored by the ABA Criminal Justice Section
When: Wednesday, May 19, from 12:30-2 p.m. EDT
Where: Online
Last year saw a record number of new health care and life sciences False Claims Act cases and important legal developments that will affect the enforcement landscape for years to come. Panelists will discuss these and other issues including:
- Sector-specific risk areas for life sciences companies, EHR, telehealth, Medicare Part C, laboratories and other health care providers
- Data mining and the use of data analysis in FCA enforcement
- Department of Justice assessment of compliance programs
- Emerging legal developments
- Owner/investor liability
Speakers are Ed Crooke, assistant director, Commercial Litigation Branch,
Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.; Owen Foster, assistant U.S. attorney, District of Vermont, Burlington; Charlene Keller Fullmer, deputy chief, Affirmative Litigation, U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Abe George, acting chief, Affirmative Civil Enforcement, U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Massachusetts, Boston; Gregg Shapiro, partner, Newman & Shapiro, Boston; and Rachel Berk, principal, Charles River Associates, New York. Moderator is Kirsten Mayer, partner, Ropes & Gray, Boston.
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