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February 19, 2021

New book from the ABA helps law students prep for the bar exam

CHICAGO, Feb. 19, 2021 – A new book from the American Bar Association, “Bar Exam MPT Preparation & Experiential Learning for Law Students, Second Edition” helps students preparing for bar exams, including a multistate performance test (MPT) or a state-specific performance test. Students will also gain experiential lawyering skills that are essential for law practice. It contains practical exercises, online practice exams and role-play simulations that will help students pass the bar and gain critical exposure to practical lawyering skills.

In addition to the book, students receive lifetime digital access to a downloadable e-book and Learning Library complete with practice MPT questions, sample MPT answers and audiobook chapters.

Others who would benefit from this book include:

  • Attorneys who may use some of the book’s exams as part of the interview process to hire new associates. Reading how the applicants respond to MPTs under timed conditions indicates how they would perform in practice;
  • Law professors who want to enhance experiential learning and student engagement;
  • College students in mock trial or other prelaw programs will find the book helpful for building analytical, persuasive and writing skills; and
  • Readers considering law school will find valuable information and help in deciding whether law is the path for them.

About the author:

In addition to writing, Sara J. Berman serves as the director of Programs for Academic and Bar Success at the AccessLex Institute Center for Legal Education Excellence in Washington, D.C. Prior to joining AccessLex, she served as a professor of law and director of academic and bar success programs at law schools in California and Florida and lectured in bar reviews for more than two decades, helping thousands of students pass bar exams nationwide. Berman gained expertise in distance learning in legal education through 15 years on the faculty at a fully online law school. She has published two books and numerous articles on the bar exam and learning for law students, and coauthored primers on the civil and criminal justice systems, written initially for self-represented litigants and extensively used by law students preparing to become tomorrow’s lawyers.

Title:  Bar Exam MPT Preparation & Experiential Learning for Law Students, Second Edition

Publisher: ABA Publishing

Pages: 273

Product Code: 1620804

ISBN: 9781641057585

Size: 7x10

Binding: Paperback and e-book

Price: $49.95

Orders: 800-285-2221 or

Editor’s note: Review copies are available by sending an email to Francine Bennett-Beasley at [email protected]. If you publish a review of this book, please send tear sheets or a copy for our files to Francine Bennett-Beasley, ABA Publishing, 321 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60654.

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