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December 04, 2020

ABA Legal Fact Check explores legal ramifications of lawyers filing frivolous lawsuits

WASHINGTON, Dec. 4, 2020 — With the campaign and allies of President Donald J. Trump filing several dozen unsuccessful lawsuits related to the Nov. 3 election, a new ABA Legal Fact Check released today examines whether lawyers working on the president’s behalf could face sanctions for filing frivolous claims or professional misconduct.

Lawyers are officers of the court and must follow court rules when they file lawsuits. Over the past few weeks, Trump-allied lawyers have repeatedly been turned back in their legal claims, sometimes chided by federal and state judges for their mistakes and misstatements. The new fact check explores applicable court procedures and jurisdictional lawyer ethics rules, and whether filing these lawsuits could lead to professional sanctions for these lawyers.

ABA Legal Fact Check seeks to help the media and public, through detailing legal procedures and case and statutory law, to find dependable answers and explanations to sometimes confusing legal questions and issues. Recently, the web portal for ABA Legal Fact Check added a search button for its content, which is grouped by legal topics in nine different categories, including COVID-19 legal issues; presidential authority, including pardons; election law; and police and security.

The URL for the site is

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