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March 12, 2019

ABA conference explores legal issues related to America’s water supply

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 12, 2019 — Current and former state and federal government officials will headline the 37th Annual Water Law Conference hosted by the American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy and Resources March 26-27 at the Grand Hyatt Denver in Denver.

   37th Annual Water Law Conference
                 Sponsored by the ABA Section of Environment, Energy and Resources 

  Tuesday-Wednesday, March 26-27

Grand Hyatt Denver
                   1750 Welton St.
                  Denver, CO 80202

Program highlights include:

“East, West, Colorado and the Colorado River”
— This session will summarize the basics as well as provide informative updates on topics with potentially broad applicability in the era of increasing water demand and less-reliable water supplies. Panelists will consider the law governing the Colorado River and features of Colorado’s unique form of prior appropriation that provide a valuable model on several issues facing all prior appropriation states and states struggling with groundwater and stream water interactions. March 26, 8:15-9:30 a.m. 

ABA conference explores legal issues related to America’s water supply
— Over the past decade, the Supreme Court has accepted an increasing number of interstate lawsuits under the Court’s original and exclusive jurisdiction. While these cases pit one state against another, they take place within a wider context of state and federal regulation and litigation, including state administration and federal water-supply management. The panel will analyze three pending Supreme Court cases: Florida v. Georgia, an equitable apportionment case over surface water; Mississippi v. Tennessee, an equitable apportionment case over groundwater; and Texas v. New Mexico & Colorado, a case to enforce the Rio Grande Compact.  March 26, 9:45-11 a.m. 

ABA conference explores legal issues related to America’s water supply
— Sea- level rise and drought are becoming major concerns to those dependent on groundwater or other freshwater resources. This panel will review the scientific issues and discuss the legal implications of dealing with gradual encroachment of saline water into aquifers providing fresh water for potable, agricultural and other uses vital to the public health, safety and welfare. March 26, 2-3:15 p.m.

For a complete list of conference panels and speakers, please click here.

This conference is co-located with the ABA Section of Environment, Energy and Resources 48th Spring Conference March 27-29, allowing media to cover both events.

This event is free and open to members of the press. For media credentialing, please contact Jennifer Kildee at 202-662-1732 or [email protected]

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