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Midyear Meeting programs to highlight key legal topics

The ABA Midyear Meeting starting Wednesday at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas features several hundred top-quality legal programs and events, and presentations by America’s foremost law experts and speakers. Among the most notable are three that cover different aspects of immigration reform.

Another program addresses  human trafficking in the casino industry and  steps to help end this form of modern human slavery.  This Friday, a panel will lead a discussion on “The Resurgence of Racism in the Age of ‘Making America Great Again’.”

Also on Friday, the ABA Center for Public Interest Law is presenting10 Ways to Change the World – #MakeJusticeReal,” featuring  experts on a variety of advocacy issues, including civil rights, gun violence prevention, homelessness and poverty, and human rights.

Experts on the front lines of research, activism and state and national legislative bans will discuss the laws, policy and advocacy work surrounding conversion therapy on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Also on Saturday afternoon, Tinker at 50: Student Rights at the Schoolhouse Gate and Beyond” will look at changes in the 50 years since the Supreme Court recognized that students have freedom of speech and other constitutional rights in public schools.

ABA members will also have an opportunity to give back at Midyear. The ABA Homeless Youth Legal Network is sponsoring a community service project to collect  new  socks and gift cards to stores such as Target, Walmart, Vons, Albertsons, to donate to the Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth.  The items can be dropped off in the designated box next to Registration between 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Friday or 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday.

The nation’s premier gathering of legal professionals will culminate on Monday, Jan. 28, when the 601-member ABA House of Delegates will meet to debate and vote on about 30 policy resolutions.

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