Law Students
Please note - Attorneys licensed to practice law within the United States, its territories or possessions do not qualify for any category of law student membership and may not be enrolled as a law student member.
ABA Member Groups
In addition to joining the ABA, many of our members find that belonging to a member group specific to their practice helps keep the up-to-date and engaged in their area of law. There are over 35 members groups to choose from.
How to Gift ABA Membership
To give the gift of membership, simply call the ABA Service Center at 1-800-285-2221 or fill out and mail in the Gift of Membership form. Before you call, please have the following information ready and available:
- Original month and year of giftee bar admission
- Original bar state
- Dues rate giftee qualifies for (reference above dues chart)
- Choice of additional member group
- Recipient's full name, law firm/organization address, phone number, and email address
- Credit card information for payment processing
- If you are gifting to a government employee, please only use the Membership Application