In 2015 I ran for the lower house of New Jersey’s legislature, the General Assembly, in Legislative District 31. It is a district of about 225,000 people. I had never run before and was not particularly looking to run, but an opportunity arose, and after making sure I met the eligibility requirements, I seized it.
One of the things I did well was build a reasonable organization out of nothing, on a budget. The main contributing forces to my organization were a) an experienced political consultant and b) an experienced get out the vote (GOTV) person. As for consultants, there are a lot of charlatans in this industry, and I probably overpaid, but as a first timer, those first couple months of retainer were critical to understanding how the game was played and what to focus on. I understood the importance of going door to door in my earlier days working on the campaigns of others, but this is especially important in local politics because there are lots of people who phone it in and don’t do the legwork.