Delegate Sign-Up & Certification
To vote in the YLD Assembly you must be certified as a delegate and registered for the meeting during which the Assembly is held. Young lawyer state and national bar organizations and military branches (YLD affiliates) choose Assembly delegates to represent their organization at the Midyear and Annual Meeting Assemblies.
The August 2021 amendments to the YLD Bylaws (see Sections 4.2(d) & 4.2(g)) increased most Affiliate Delegate Allocations and created one-year Affiliate Delegate Terms, which commence on September 1 and conclude on August 31 of the following year. Affiliate delegates are expected to serve at both the Midyear and Annual Assemblies for the year they are certified as a delegate. As such, delegates certified at the Midyear meeting in February do not need to complete The New Affiliate Delegate Sign-Up Form but do need to complete the Certified Midyear Delegate Confirming Attendance at Annual Meeting.
To be certified as a delegate complete the following steps:
- Register for the Midyear Meeting or Annual Meeting;
- Complete The New Affiliate Delegate Sign-Up Form if you are a new delegate who is not serving as a proxy delegate for the Annual Meeting (for individual sign-up or sign-up by an affiliate leader or representative) (YLD Council Members and Scholars, and Young Lawyer Representatives to the HOD should not complete this form).
Or complete the proxy Designation Form, only if you are a state or national affiliate delegate who is unable to attend the Midyear or Annual Meeting, and have been authorized by your affiliate leader to send a proxy in your stead.
Or complete the Certified Midyear Delegate Confirming Attendance at Annual Meeting, if you served as a delegate at the 2025 Midyear Meeting and will continue to serve as a delegate at the 2025 Annual Meeting (cannot be completed until the delegate certification process for the Annual Meeting begins).
- Sign the delegate certification book and receive your delegate ribbon prior to the start of Assembly.
For more detailed information, view the Assembly Delegate Sign-Up Tips & Tricks.
To learn more about the role of an Assembly Delegate, watch the ABA YLD Delegate Registration Process video below.
If you are interested in serving as a delegate, contact the YLD affiliate organization you would like to represent to express your interest. For the State Affiliate Delegate Allocation numbers, view this PDF.
If you have any questions regarding delegate certification, please contact the YLD Credentials Board at [email protected].