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The YLD Midyear Assembly will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2025, beginning at 9:00 am Mountain time in conjunction with the 2025 ABA Midyear Meeting in Phoenix, AZ. The Assembly will be in-person attendance only.

Assembly Information

The dress code for Assembly is business attire. All delegates to Midyear Assembly must agree to abide by the Code of Conduct. Delegates agree to do so when signing the onsite delegate book and receiving a delegate ribbon. Violation of the Code of Conduct may result in forfeiture of delegate status. In accordance with Assembly Standing Rules Rule 5.2(b), the following Resolutions with Reports have been distributed via email to the Division’s council members and other then-designated delegates a minimum of 14 days prior to the meeting, slated on the Debate Calendar or Consent Calendar, as indicated below.

Debate Calendar

25-3YL Anti-Bullying

  • calls for federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal governing bodies; federal and state judiciaries; and legal employers to consider one, some, or all of the following measures: 1) to develop studies focused on the effects of bullying in certain practice areas and within various demographics, and how bullying affects lawyer well-being; 2) to identify and to define behaviors and activities within the profession that would be considered bullying and implement measures to prevent and alleviate bullying within the legal profession; and 3) to develop attorney wellness measures within legal workplaces, since wellness issues dovetail with bullying.

Resolutions referred to the YLD that will also be considered by the 2025 Midyear House of Delegates (see hyperlinks for full text):

HOD 600 Climate Migration

  • Urges Congress to pass laws that provide permanent and complementary immigration pathways and visas for individuals who are forced to leave their habitual home; and urges the federal government to support vulnerable countries and communities in their efforts to advance prevention, preparedness, adaptation, and mitigation measures rapidly to avert, minimize, and address climate-related displacement.

HOD 608 Model Rule for Conditional Admissions

  • Recommends the adoption of the American Bar Association Model Rule on Conditional Admissions to the Practice of Law, dated February 2025, to supplant all earlier versions of the Model Rule, and urges admissions authorities to adopt and enforce the new Model Rule to ensure the integrity of the admission process.

HOD 609 Character & Fitness

  • Urges federal, state, territorial, and tribal bar admission authorities to limit the scope of inquires regarding an applicant’s criminal convictions and legal judgments to those that reflect on the applicant’s propensity to engage in fraud, deceit, dishonesty or misrepresentation in the future delivery of legal services.

HOD 501 Unauthorized Digital Replicas

  • Urges enactment of federal legislation protecting an individual’s right to authorize or prevent any use of their voice, visual likeness, and/or image in a realistic computer-generated electronic representation. Sponsor: Section of Intellectual Property Law

Consent Calendar

25-1YL Election Day Public Holiday

  • encourages the adoption of legislation establishing Election Day as a legal public holiday.

25-2YL Financial Well-Being Programming

  • urges all state judiciaries; state, local, and affiliate bar associations; and law school trade associations to promote well-being programming at law schools, specifically focusing on financial well-being and targeted towards prospective law students, current law students, and recent law school graduates.

Resolutions referred to the YLD that will also be considered by the 2025 Midyear House of Delegates (see hyperlinks for full text):

HOD 202 Government Officials Personally Identifiable Information

  • Urges all state, local, territorial, and tribal governments to enact legislation, regulations, or take judicial action to prohibit the disclosure of personally identifiable information of active or former government officials and employees, and the immediate family members with whom they share a residence.

HOD 602 FEMA Post-Disaster Housing Repair

  • Urges Congress to enact legislation authorizing the Federal Emergency Management Agency to create and administer a post-disaster housing repair program.

HOD 400 Mock Trial MCLE

  • Urges adoption of minimum continuing legal education (“MCLE”) requirements which permit an attorney to earn up to four (4) hours per year of MCLE credit by judging or coaching mock trials, moot courts, negotiation, arbitration, or mediation competitions at the law school, undergraduate, or high school levels, provided that such programs meet certain qualifying requirements.

HOD 500 Menstrual Products Taxes

  • Urges the repeal of state, local, territorial and tribal sales, use, or similar taxes on menstrual products; and urges Congress to pass legislation to prohibit the same.

Delegate Sign-Up & Certification

To vote in the YLD Assembly you must be certified as a delegate and registered for the meeting during which the Assembly is held. Young lawyer state and national bar organizations and military branches (YLD affiliates) choose Assembly delegates to represent their organization at the Midyear and Annual Meeting Assemblies.

The August 2021 amendments to the YLD Bylaws (see Sections 4.2(d) & 4.2(g)) increased most Affiliate Delegate Allocations and created one-year Affiliate Delegate Terms, which commence on September 1 and conclude on August 31 of the following year. Affiliate delegates are expected to serve at both the Midyear and Annual Assemblies for the year they are certified as a delegate. As such, delegates certified at the Midyear meeting in February do not need to complete The New Affiliate Delegate Sign-Up Form but do need to complete the Certified Midyear Delegate Confirming Attendance at Annual Meeting.

To be certified as a delegate complete the following steps:

  1. Register for the Midyear Meeting or Annual Meeting;
  2. Complete The New Affiliate Delegate Sign-Up Form if you are a new delegate who is not serving as a proxy delegate for the Annual Meeting (for individual sign-up or sign-up by an affiliate leader or representative) (YLD Council Members and Scholars, and Young Lawyer Representatives to the HOD should not complete this form).

     complete the proxy Designation Form, only if you are a state or national affiliate delegate who is unable to attend the Midyear or Annual Meeting, and have been authorized by your affiliate leader to send a proxy in your stead.

     complete the Certified Midyear Delegate Confirming Attendance at Annual Meeting, if you served as a delegate at the 2025 Midyear Meeting and will continue to serve as a delegate at the 2025 Annual Meeting (cannot be completed until the delegate certification process for the Annual Meeting begins).           
  3. Sign the delegate certification book and receive your delegate ribbon prior to the start of Assembly.

For more detailed information, view the Assembly Delegate Sign-Up Tips & Tricks.

To learn more about the role of an Assembly Delegate, watch the ABA YLD Delegate Registration Process video below.

If you are interested in serving as a delegate, contact the YLD affiliate organization you would like to represent to express your interest. For the State Affiliate Delegate Allocation numbers, view this PDF.

If you have any questions regarding delegate certification, please contact the YLD Credentials Board at [email protected].

About YLD Resolutions

The control and administration of the American Bar Association (ABA) is vested in the House of Delegates (HOD), the only policy making body of the ABA. The ABA YLD resolution page is limited to resolutions adopted by the ABA YLD Assembly and provided to allow members to find and review past YLD Assembly resolutions. Resolutions that were adopted by the ABA YLD Assembly must not be mistaken as the policies of the ABA.

Elections Notice

Declarations for positions during the 2025-2026 bar year will open at the adjournment of the 2025 Midyear Meeting. You can find the complete Election Notice and additional information on the Elections Webpage.

Join the Assembly Distribution List

To join the Assembly Distribution List for up-to-date notifications regarding Assembly, send an email to [email protected] and follow instructions to confirm. 

Meeting and Assembly Rules