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Assembly Information

YLD Midyear Assembly will be held VIRTUALLY only, on Saturday, February 12, 2022.

You must still register for the YLD Midyear Meeting and sign-up to be a delegate to attend Assembly virtually.

The Midyear Meeting Assembly Agenda is now available.

To join the Assembly Distribution List for up-to-date notifications regarding Assembly, send an email to [email protected].

Delegate Sign-Up & Certification

Affiliate Delegate Sign-Up is now closed.

For the 2022 Affiliate Delegate Allocation numbers, view this PDF.

To vote in the YLD Assembly you must be certified as a delegate and registered for the meeting during which the Assembly is held.  Young lawyer state and national bar organizations and military branches (YLD affiliates) choose Assembly delegates to represent their organization at the Midyear and Annual Meeting Assemblies. If you are interested in serving as a delegate, contact the YLD affiliate organization you would like to represent to express your interest. The affiliate organization must approve your role as a YLD delegate for each meeting before you can be certified.

See full Assembly Delegate Sign-Up Tips & Tricks here.

If you have any questions regarding delegate certification, please contact the YLD Credentials Board at [email protected].

Debate Calendar

22-3YL — Diversified Hiring Committee

  • Urges all law firms to consider diversifying their hiring committees to include members from diverse classes related to race, gender, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, and gender identity/expression to participate in the recruiting, hiring, and retaining other lawyers from diverse backgrounds.

22-4YL — Promoting Oral Argument for New and Young Lawyers

  • Urges courts to adopt a policy supporting oral arguments made by junior attorneys, which are often new and young lawyers, specifically those that drafted or significantly contributed to the item presented to the court for adjudication, by allowing two attorneys for a party to participate in oral argument.
  • Urges courts to extend this policy allowing for two attorneys to argue at a given oral argument to arguments where one of the lawyers is in their first ten years of practice.

22-5YL — Racism as a Public Health Crisis

  • Recognizes that racism, in its systemic, cultural, interpersonal, and other forms, is a serious threat to public health.
  • Urges enacting legislation remedying longstanding effects of structural racism in the health, law enforcement, labor, and similar professions.
  • Supports the enactment of the Anti-Racism in Public Health Act of 2020 (S. 162, 117th Congress) or similar legislation that would create a National Center for Anti-Racism, and a Law Enforcement Violence Prevention Program at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

22-6YL — More Favorable Terms for Student Loan Borrowers

  • Urges Congress to adopt legislation permitting and encouraging both Federal and private student loan borrowers to create more favorable terms for borrowers.

HOD 613 — Presumption of Youth Presence in Court

  • Urges the adoption of laws to establish a legal presumption that children involved in dependency (child welfare) cases are present and actively engaged in their own court proceedings unless a child, in consultation with counsel, has waived the right to be present.

Consent Calendar

22-1YL — Removing Barriers to Attorney Assistance for Juveniles

  • Urges policies that prohibit custodial interrogation of a child until the child has consulted with an attorney and the law enforcement officer has made an effort reasonably calculated to give actual notice to the parent, guardian, or custodian of the child that the child will be interrogated.  

22-2YL — Removing Barriers to Attorney Assistance for People with Intellectual Disabilities

  • Urges policies that prohibit custodial interrogation of an individual with intellectual disabilities unless the individual has consulted with an attorney and the law enforcement officer has made an effort reasonably calculated to give actual notice to the guardian or custodian of the individual who will be interrogated.

HOD 602 — National Guardianship Summit Recommendations

  • Adopts the recommendations of the Fourth National Guardianship summit and encourages incorporation of the recommendations by courts, legislatures, and policy makers in efforts to improve adult guardianship laws, policies and practices.

About YLD Resolutions

The control and administration of the American Bar Association (ABA) is vested in the House of Delegates (HOD), the only policy making body of the ABA. ABA YLD Assembly resolutions shall not be construed as Association policy. Interested parties should contact the ABA Policy and Planning Division for a copy of a final adopted resolution.

Meeting and Assembly Rules

Other Important Documents