This resolution discourages the use of mandatory arbitration clauses in contracts with employees and consumers by law firms, legal service providers and other employers in the legal community.
This resolution urges U.S. jurisdictions to consider adoption of regulatory innovation approaches to address the access to justice crisis in the United States.
This resolution urges state and federal courts to increase meaningful young lawyer participation before the bench, and adopt local rules which 1) allow any motion be set for oral hearing when said motion is to be argued by a young lawyer; and 2) preferentially sets any case for trial which a young lawyer is sitting first chair.
This Resolution amends the ABA YLD’s Bylaws such that all gender binary language (she/her/hers & he/him/his) is changed to gender nonbinary terms (they/them/theirs), to help effectuate Goal III of the ABA Diversity Plan. Changing gender binary language promotes sexual orientation & gender identity diversity in ABA membership by making the Bylaws non-exclusionary and more welcoming to gender nonbinary persons. Some other minor grammatical changes will also be necessary when amending the Bylaws to they/them/their.
This resolution urges all employers in the legal profession to implement, maintain, and encourage the use of paid family leave policies for the birth or adoption of a child.
This resolution urges federal executive authorities to develop and implement a redress procedure that permits individuals listed on the “Watchlist” subset of the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) to challenge their listing, consistent with constitutionally‑sufficient procedural due process requirements, extending to those Watchlist‑listed individuals a similar level of due process that has been developed for the “No Fly List” subset of the TSDB under the Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (TRIP).
This resolution urges Congress to support fixes in Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) eligibility to include borrowers under certain plans beyond the current fixed dates.
This resolution urges Congress to support the interpretation of the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution that recognizes all persons born in the territories, possessions, and commonwealths of the United States, and who are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, as natural-born citizens of the United States; and further urges the Judiciary to declare 8 U.S.C. § 1408(1) as unconstitutional in violation of the Citizenship Clause.
This resolutionurges federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal legislatures and school districts to appropriate and allocate funds to identify and address mental health problems experienced by youth as a result of racism, poverty, and living in high crime communities.
This resolution urges Congress to amend and reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act as reflected in H.R. 1585 (as passed) and S. 2843 (as introduced), or similar legislation, that specifically provides funding to tribal governments and recognizes the inherent authority of American Indian and Alaska Native governments to prosecute non-Indian perpetrators of crimes arising from gender-based violence, while ensuring that due processes rights are protected as set forth in section 234(c) of the Tribal Law and Order Act, Public Law 111-211.
This resolution urges federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments, and their respective agencies and departments, to protect real property interests, including common law trespass and privacy rights, with respect to any stature, ordinance, regulation, administrative rule, order, or guidance pertaining to the development and usage of unmanned aircraft systems over private property.