Debate Calendar
The following Resolutions have been slated for the Annual 2023 YLD Assembly Debate Calendar. Any delegate or other person with privileges of the floor may speak in favor of or in opposition to any Resolution on the Debate Calendar. Delegates may also make motions to amend Resolutions or postpone Resolutions indefinitely, or other motions in accordance with the Assembly Standing Rules. For additional guidance, see the Robert’s Rules of Order Cheat Sheet.
Persons wishing to take action regarding a Resolution should submit written notice via electronic “Salmon Slip” no later than Friday, August 4, at 10 a.m. MDT. Hard-copy Salmon Slips will be available during Assembly on Friday & Saturday, but preference will be given to individuals who submit electronic requests in advance. No person may take action regarding a Resolution without completing either an electronic or hard-copy Salmon Slip and being recognized by the Speaker.
Why is it called a “Salmon Slip”?
Because it’s been traditionally printed on salmon-colored paper!
Women in the Profession Committee
Urges the development and adoption of legal representation practices, approaches, and trainings that are trauma-informed, evidence-based, and created in collaboration with subject matter experts; urges requirement of competency CLE regarding trauma-informed representation; encourages awareness of secondary trauma.
Debate Calendar: House of Delegates Resolutions
Listed below are Resolutions that will be considered by the 2023 Annual House of Delegates, that have been referred to the YLD, and that have been added to the debate agenda by the Resolutions Team. (see hyperlinks for full text).
California Lawyers Association; State Bar of South Dakota
Encourages federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments, and law schools to create and fund fully a rural practice loan forgiveness program.
Virgin Islands Bar Association
Urges certain 1st Amendment protections for applicants applying for bar admission.
Section of Civil Rights & Social Justice; Section of Taxation; Commission on Homelessness & Poverty; Section of State and Local Government Law; Standing Committee on Legal Aid & Indigent Defense
Urges federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal governments to amend existing laws and/or enact new laws to provide financial support to tenants of rental housing and urges these governments to provide administrative agencies with adequate financial resources to implement and administer any such provisions.
Additional HOD Resolution(s) may be added and circulated to delegates, pursuant to Assembly Standing Rule 5.2(b)(i).