Any Affiliate under Articles 3.1(a) or 3.1(b) of the YLD Bylaws is eligible, provided that two or more Affiliates host the Regional Summit. For more information on Affiliate eligibility, see the YLD Bylaws and the Guide to Affiliating.
The Regional Summit event must occur between November 16 and August 31 of the current bar year.
Application Deadline
The application start date is Sept. 1, 2024. The deadline has been extended to Dec. 13, 2024.
The YLD Affiliates Director has the discretion to extend this deadline if funds remain for additional Regional Summits.
Successful proposals include the following:
- A completed online application
- A well-defined purpose and goals of the Regional Summit
- Identification of programming that will achieve the purpose and/or goals of the Regional Summit
- Proposed collaboration with the ABA Law Student Division, including outreach to and participation of law students attending schools within the Districts represented by the hosting Affiliates.
- Hosts should contact the Chair of the ABA Law Student Division to ensure proper outreach.
- Review the Law Student Division Council
- A proposed budget, to include:
- A line item budget of all projected expenses, revenues, and sponsorships as accurately as may be constructed at the time of the application
- The amount requested from the ABA YLD (a maximum of $3,000)
- Contributions from all other sources (cash or in-kind)
- If the proposed budget shows costs exceeding the ABA YLD subgrant maximum, it must identify the projected source for those funds
Expectations, terms, and conditions
Subgrant funds are awarded to support activities set forth in the grantee’s application, as modified by any special conditions imposed by the YLD.
Subgrants will only be awarded for applications that recognize the participation of law students in the proposed Regional Summit. Grantees will be expected to involve representatives of the American Bar Association Law Student Division in planning and programming and will be required to coordinate at least one outreach session to a law school in conjunction with the Regional Summit.
Subgrant projects need to commence once funds have been awarded and must be completed. Any unused funds must be returned to the YLD. Grantee will receive an award letter stating the terms and conditions applicable to the subgrant, including the requirements stated herein.
The YLD reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to award subgrants. Applications may be rejected for any reason, including if the application is not of sufficient quality or does not meet the expectations or requirements of the YLD Regional Summits.
Signed Letter of Agreement
A signed Letter of Agreement must be completed and signed to show acceptance of the funds. A W-9 and New Supplier forms must be completed and signed before the funds can be released (required by ABA Financial Services).
Reporting Requirements
Grantees must submit a subgrant report to the YLD after the Regional Summit. This report must include:
- A project narrative
- A detailed accounting of program expenditures
- A full list of program attendees (name, title, firm, firm address and email)
- A copy of all program materials
This status report must be received by the YLD no more than 14 days after the Regional Summit. These forms must be submitted to:
Acknowledgement of the ABA and YLD
Any materials produced (promotions, web pages, publications, media coverage, etc.) as a result of the project must state that the project was funded in whole or in part by the YLD through a subgrant from the ABA Board of Governors. All materials provided to attendees must also contain the ABA or YLD logo and must mention the ABA YLD as a sponsor of the event. However, all such statements and the use of the ABA and/or YLD logos must receive the ABA’s prior written approval for any material produced in conjunction with the Regional Summit, the ABA is granted a worldwide perpetual license to use, reproduce, distribute, and display the material, or any part thereof, in any medium or form of communication now existing or hereafter developed; and the right to use the material, or any part thereof, in any other publication produced by the ABA.
Legal and Financial Responsibility
Regional Summits are the sole responsibility of the grantee. The ABA YLD serves only as a sponsor of the event. In accepting the subgrant, grantee agrees that the ABA’s total financial and/or legal responsibility in connection with the event, including for any damages or injuries arising therefrom, is strictly limited to the amount of the subgrant. The ABA YLD is not in any way or part the host, promoter, or presenter of the event.
IRS Limitation on Use of Funds
Subgrant funds may be used only for tax-exempt purposes as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and cannot be used as propaganda, to attempt to influence legislation (except as permitted by Section 501), or to participate in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Permissions and MCLE
Grantee is solely responsible for requesting and managing all MCLE accreditation and pertinent permissions for program materials. The ABA Young Lawyers Division is not responsible for applying for, or processing any MCLE, or requesting permissions to use any program materials,
including but is not limited to news articles, publications or written material or artwork or photographs from any source.
Apply for a Regional Summit subgrant.
Staff contact