The YLD values our relationship with each of the over 300 young lawyer organizations from around the world that make up our Affiliate Network.
Affiliates play an important role in serving the public, the profession, and our communities.
District Representative & Affiliate Contact Submission Form
To update a District Representative or Affiliate’s contact information, please use this form.
Become an Affiliate
Becoming an affiliate of the ABA YLD is a simple process that can be accomplished in a short amount of time.
Bar Leader Toolkit
To help your organization, the ABA Young Lawyers Division has assembled this toolkit for leaders of our affiliate bar groups.
Conference Funding for Affiliate Leaders
There are a limited number of stipends available for active affiliate leaders who attend ABA YLD National Conferences.
District Representatives Manual
District Representatives have seven primary responsibilities. Learn more about them.
YLD Affiliate Directory
View the list of affiliate organizations for the ABA Young Lawyers Division (revised for 2022-2023).
Regional Summits
Summits promote and develop growth, education, leadership, and outreach to ABA YLD Affiliates.
Regional Summit Subgrants
Regional Summits are meetings organized and executed by two or more Affiliates with the support of the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division (YLD).
National Affiliate Bar Leader Toolkit
The ABA YLD has a specific interest in maintaining close contact with each of the National Affiliate Bars. Diversity and Inclusion is an articulated goal of our Division and the larger ABA.
The How and Why of Diversity and Inclusion: Moving from the Pitch to the Program - A Training for YLD Affiliates
Learn the importance of diversity and inclusion in your young lawyer organization and how to implement a sound diversity & inclusion program from start to finish and effectuate top-down change.
Learn how to maximize your efforts for your group!
Learn how the YLD plays an important role in serving the public, the profession, and our communities.
Toward an Exceptional Board
The majority of bar association boards responsibly oversee their organizations’ activities and finances. But truly exceptional organizations—bar associations included—have boards that are commensurately exceptional. So, what makes the difference?
How can bar associations do more with less? Through focus and collaboration
What can an association do if it sheds what it no longer needs but nonetheless finds it difficult to retain the programs and services that are still vital and important? Collaborate.
A Good Board Member
A good board member Understands, Prepares, Knows, and Represents. What deeper qualities do these ideas encompass?