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Pillar #1: Vision Development & Execution

Go from Dreaming it to Living it

Vision development is about seeing your dreams broken down into tangible goals– each one a bright red target that you’re ready to aim for. Use our resources below to envision your goals and better prepare yourself to execute them.

Tools & Resources

Pillar #2: Sponsorship & Mentoring

How to Build your Team

Minorities are the most mentored yet under-sponsored group amongst young lawyers. Use the tools below to find out how you can maximize mentorships as well as seek and build relationships with influencer sponsor advocates.

Tools & Resources

Pillar #3: Mental Health and Wellness

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Forget the stigmas surrounding mental health because this is a safe space. We’re honoring the need for young lawyers to not only be physically fit, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually fit. Use our resources to discover moments of truth from other lawyers, engage in an honest dialogue, and learn the management tools to overcome stress and mentally tough times.

Tools & Resources