10 Tips for Selecting What Do Lawyers Do Panelists
Select diverse panelists. One of the purposes of the program is to expose attendees to lawyers who look like them. Consider race/ethnicity, gender, disability status, sexual orientation and gender identity when selecting panelists.
Select panelists from diverse practice areas. Consider litigation, transactional, family law, civil rights, administrative law, health law, business law, intellectual property, etc.
Ensure panelists are from various practice settings. For example, large firm, small firm, solo, government, in-house, nonprofit, etc.
Chose panelists with different levels of practice experience.
Consider panelists who are humorous or personable and can keep attendees engaged.
Try to have at least one panelist who clerked for a judge.
Choose at least one panelist who had a different career before becoming a lawyer.
Select panelists who took different paths to law school.
Find a moderator who can keep the discussion flowing and allow all speakers an opportunity to speak and contribute to the panel.
Try to get one panelist who is an alumnus/alumna of the host college or university.