Two civil disputes in Texas may have a sizeable impact on the biometrics legal landscape, with purported violations of the Lone Star State's Capture or Use of Biometric Identifiers Act, in connection…
Several consequential legal developments for the cannabis industry took place in 2023, even though no laws related to cannabis passed during the legislative session.
Mediation has taken on a function very much like a day in court, and its success may, in part, depend on how well it performs this function, particularly for uninitiated plaintiffs with a strong emot…
CPPA regulations for cybersecurity audits, risk assessments, and the use of automated decision-making technology are not yet enforceable, but businesses subject to the CCPA should start considering h…
A Practical Guide to Cyber Insurance for Businesses is a necessary guidebook for practitioners delving into the cyber realm and the cyber insurance needs for their clients (or even their law firms).
Loren D. Podwill, President of Bullivant Houser and TIPS chair for the 2023-24 association year, shares words of advice and wisdom and reminisces about when he was a new lawyer.