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August 14, 2024 Profile

Animal Law Committee

Alex Cerussi

The mission of the Tort Trial and Insurance Section Animal Law Committee is to address all issues concerning the intersection of animals and the law to create a paradigm shift resulting in a just world for all. The committee is composed of eight subcommittees that meet regularly to discuss the latest developments in animal law and policy, publish articles, and host educational presentations and CLEs. Subcommittees are focused on issues affecting companion animals, animals used in science and technology, animals used in farming, equines, and wildlife. The Animal Law Committee also brings thoughtful and strategic resolutions before the ABA House of Delegates each year.

In February, the ABA House of Delegates voted to pass the Animal Law Committee’s latest resolution. This resolution urges national governments and U.S. federal agencies to prioritize and invest in the development and use of methods that replace the use of animals in research and testing and to remove barriers to, and to create incentives for, the use of nonanimal research and testing methods in regulatory testing and federally sponsored research. Following its passage, the Policy and Alliances Subcommittee of the Animal Law Committee began outreach to nonprofit organizations, state bar associations, and local bar associations that might be pursuing related policies.

This year, the Animal Law Committee scheduled 10 lunch and learn programs, where members heard from animal law experts on various topics. Some examples include a program about ending human-animal cruelty cycles through the use of trauma-informed therapy and a program hosted by Marina Bolotnikova and Kenny Torrella of Vox Media on their work reporting on industrial animal agriculture.

New this year, the committee dedicated two of its meetings to virtual networking sessions in an effort to help foster professional relationships for students and practitioners. Our incredible student vice-chairs hosted a virtual networking event where students gathered informally to chat about their experiences and interests in animal law and another event involving a career panel for those interested in learning more about what it means to practice animal law and policy.

In March, the Animal Law Committee launched its new mentorship program. Committee leadership surveyed members in late 2023 to gauge member interest. Since then, several members voiced support for a program designed to facilitate professional development and relationships. Each mentor is paired with a mentee and meets at least once a month for the remainder of the bar year.

The Animal Law Committee is composed of thoughtful, intelligent lawyers and law students who have an interest in protecting animals. You do not need to practice animal law to be active in the committee. If you are interested in joining the committee, please reach out!

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    Alex Cerussi

    Mercy For Animals

    Alex Cerussi is the senior state policy manager at Mercy For Animals, where she oversees the organization’s state and local policy initiatives. She is chair of the TIPS Animal Law Committee and cochair of the committee’s Policy and Alliances Subcommittee.