We promote the Section’s mission of furthering the development and strengthening our community.
Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section Initiatives
TIPS offers career development, leadership, and volunteer activities to lead the legal profession and serve the public.
Leadership Academy
The TIPS Leadership Academy serves the public by providing participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop a vision to lead the legal profession and to improve leadership service in the community as a whole.
TIPS Now! Fellowship
This Fellowship provides leadership opportunities to young lawyers eager to contribute to TIPS in new and exciting ways.
The Financial Literacy Project
This project invests in the financial education of our communities, empowering and guiding all of us to a stronger and more secure financial future.
Law In Public Service (LIPS)
LIPS coordinates and organizes hands-on public service projects at each TIPS meeting throughout the year.
Diversity and Inclusion
TIPS seeks to advance diversity and inclusion at all levels within the Section, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, economic status and other diverse backgrounds.
The ABA/ABOTA National Trial Academy
The Trial Academy offers a unique, interactive, diverse program combining today’s latest technology with the country’s top trial lawyers as personal mentors.
The TIPS Scholarship Fund
The Scholarship Fund is a partnership of TIPS and the International Risk Management Institute (IRMI) designed to broaden the involvement of TIPS members who have limited financial ability to to participate in person at Section activities and to promote the inclusion in those activities of traditionally underrepresented groups.
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