Between a rapidly changing planet, generous federal tax incentives, and high demand, wind and solar projects are experiencing a major growth spurt. In the summer of 2010, the United States had a total net capacity of 39,134.5 megawatts in utility-scale wind energy. By the summer of 2020, that number climbed to 118,378.7 megawatts, more than a 200% increase in just ten years. Similarly, in the summer of 2010, the United States had a total net capacity of just 393.4 megawatts in utility-scale solar energy. Ten years later, however, that number reached 46,306.2 megawatts, a gigantic 11,600% increase. As wind and solar continue to grow, state taxing authorities are examining, and reexamining, how best to tax these unique projects.
This article addresses current trends in state and local taxation of utility-scale wind and solar projects. It provides a short background on the components that make up wind and solar projects, summarizes commonly applicable taxes, including property tax and sales and use tax, and concludes with a brief discussion of why developers should care about state and local taxation.
I. What Are They?
Before diving into the tax, a brief background on the components that make up utility-scale wind and solar projects is necessary.
First, the terminology. Developers often speak of wind and solar projects in terms of their “nameplate capacity.” Roughly speaking, nameplate capacity is how much electricity a generator can produce when operating at full power, usually in terms of megawatts. For example, most wind turbines today have at least a 1.5-megawatt nameplate capacity. Because wind and solar projects cannot operate at 100% year-round, however, developers usually apply a “capacity factor,” a percentage, to estimate how much electricity a project will actually produce. Last, “utility-scale” wind and solar projects, depending on the state, usually means high-capacity projects that transfer generated electricity to the power grid (as opposed to an individual consumer).
Second, the components. Most people know that the primary component of a wind project is its turbines, and the primary component of a solar project is its solar panels. Few may realize that wind and solar projects are vast networks that often span hundreds, if not thousands, of acres. They can include a variety of other property, such as inverters and substations, underground cabling, operations and maintenance buildings, transmission lines, and battery storage systems. Additionally, most land-based wind and solar projects are constructed on vacant or active farmland.
Each of these components presents its own property tax and sales and use tax issues. For example, an underlying question in any property tax or sales and use tax discussion is whether property is real or personal. In Oklahoma, wind turbines are classified as personal property. In contrast, Texas classifies wind turbines located within the ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) operating area as real property. Given the nature of wind turbines, anchored to deep concrete foundations but with clearly movable blades, you can understand the arguments for both real and personal property. While states are certainly not uniform in their taxation of wind and solar projects, or their components, they tend to adopt similar mechanisms.
II. Current Taxation Trends
As states continue to consider how best to tax wind and solar projects, they generally end up taking one of several paths. This is true for both property tax and sales and use tax.
A. Property Tax
In general, property tax is imposed on wind and solar projects in one of three ways:
- value-based (ad valorem) tax,
- generation tax on the electricity generated by the project, or
- nameplate capacity tax (a set rate per megawatt).
Because property tax is generally based on some type of value (usually market value), the second and third tax mechanisms are often referred to as “payments in lieu” of property tax. However, some states provide for a fourth option, a statutory “payment in lieu.” In those situations, the local taxing authorities and the project may reach a mutual agreement on an appropriate fee, compensation, or other “tax” to help maintain local public infrastructure or services. Without legislative authorization, however, developers and local authorities should be wary of these types of agreements.
For value-based taxes, the process is generally like a typical ad valorem tax system: a property is assessed, and local tax rates applied. While value-based taxes are usually imposed on some variation of market value, states often advise or instruct local assessors to follow certain guidelines for valuing wind and solar projects. For example, Michigan imposes a value-based personal property tax on “Solar Energy Systems.” In that case, a preset depreciation factor is applied to a project’s original cost to reach the “true cash value,” which is ultimately subjected to local property tax rates. Similarly, counties in Iowa that adopt a special valuation methodology for wind projects follow a set formula, resulting in lower assessed values during the first several years of a project, but significantly higher values during the later years.