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Installing the App (iOs, Android) and Finding Our Event

If You Do Not Have Eventsential App Installed

  • Visit, tap the relevant 'iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch' or 'Android phone or tablet' then follow the instructions to install the app; or go to the app store from your mobile device or iPad (App Store for iOs devices, Play Store for Android Devices), search for Eventsential, and install the Eventsential app. 
  • We use the Eventsential app for all of our Section Meetings. Install it once and you can use it for every meeting!
  • Open the Eventsential app. It will ask if you want to 'Switch to your custom American Bar Association icon' - tap Continue.
Left: the page.  Right: the App Store page for Eventsential - just tap the cloud icon to install on an iOs device.

Left: the page. Right: the App Store page for Eventsential - just tap the cloud icon to install on an iOs device.

Initial Setup: Tap Continue, find the app under Upcoming Meetings, then Select This Event.

Initial Setup: Tap Continue, find the app under Upcoming Meetings, then Select This Event.

  • You will receive an Update App Icon? prompt. Tap Change Icon then Ok.
  • You will see the conference name under Upcoming Events. Just tap on the conference (in this case, 2024 Midyear Tax Meeting) then tap Get Started.
  • If you have an iPhone or iPad, the app will ask if you would like to receive notifications. We recommend Enabling notifications, as we use them to keep attendees up-to-date on important events and meeting updates. To do so, tap Allow then Continue
  • As the final step, select your Time Zone Preference. We recommend selecting Use Event's Time, as this will use the local time at the event.
  • We recommend exploring the app from here - the Schedule, at the bottom of the screen, is the most important part of the meeting app. See the What Can I Do with the App? section below for further information.

If You Already Have Eventsential App Installed

  • Open the Eventsential app on your device. You will likely still be viewing the last meeting you attended. Tap the More icon in the lower right, then Change Event. Then follow the instructions above starting with the 'You will see the conference name under Upcoming Events...' step.

Using the App from a Computer

Detail of Schedule from the app: 1. A committee session with 3 panels 2. An example panel 3. Panel materials are under 'Resources' or 'Materials'

Detail of Schedule from the app: 1. A committee session with 3 panels 2. An example panel 3. Panel materials are under 'Resources' or 'Materials'

What Can I Do with the App?

  • View full conference schedule, including all panels, panel descriptions, and speakers and meeting materials. To find meeting materials, just tap on a panel and scroll to the bottom. All slides and supplemental materials are found under Resources or Materials.
  • Create your own agenda by saving sessions to your schedule (tap the Calendar icon with a checkmark on it)
  • View the floor plan of the hotel! This includes all meeting rooms, restrooms, and other key information.
  • View Conference Wi-Fi information.
  • View our Meeting FAQ, which is full of important notes about CLE, food & beverage hours, and more.

Further Questions or Assistance

If you have further questions or need assistance with the meeting app, email the Tax Section's Technology Manager, Dan Swenson, at [email protected]. Onsite at a Section Meeting, Dan can usually be found at the Help Desk or Print Kiosk.