VII. The Irish and Luxembourg Treaties
BYOT feeders are for investors that are resident in a treaty jurisdiction. Many investors are not. Ireland and Luxembourg each have tax treaties with the United States and have special vehicles that can qualify for the benefits of the applicable treaty but pay no or relatively little local tax.
The Irish and Luxembourg treaties are similar. Each provides that a U.S. dependent agent that does not have the power to bind its principal, and an independent agent acting in the ordinary course of its business, do not cause an Irish or Luxembourg resident entitled to the benefits of the applicable treaty to be subject to U.S. income tax, and each provides for a zero rate of withholding tax on interest. Each also generally provides under its respective limitation of benefits provision that if (1) 50% or more of the aggregate vote and value of a resident corporation’s shares is held by “good” U.S. persons or at least 95% of the aggregate vote and value of the resident corporation’s shares are owned directly or indirectly by seven or fewer qualified residents of the EU or NAFTA and (2) a base erosion test is satisfied, then the vehicle qualifies for treaty benefits and is exempt from U.S. federal income tax on business profits and interest. There are, however, meaningful differences between the two treaties and differences between each country’s investment vehicles.
A. Irish Vehicles
1. Section 110 Companies
Ireland imposes a 25% corporate tax on the income of an Irish corporation from a business carried on wholly outside Ireland. A special regime exists for “section 110 companies,” however. Section 110 companies are special purpose companies that are permitted to invest in certain assets (including loans) and must satisfy certain rules. Section 110 companies may issue “profit participating notes” to their shareholders that reduce the effective Irish tax rate to nearly zero. Nevertheless, anti-avoidance provisions enacted in 2011 impose Irish withholding tax on interest payments under profit participating loans if the interest is paid to a resident of the EU or an Irish tax treaty partner that does not tax the payment.
Section 110 companies may qualify for benefits under the Irish treaty, but because they rely on interest deductions to reduce their Irish tax, they are subject to the base erosion test discussed below.
2. Irish Collective Asset-Management Vehicles
Irish Collective Asset-Management Vehicles (ICAVs) are regulated companies that (like U.S. mutual funds) are not subject to corporate tax or withholding tax on distributions. Because they are regulated by the Irish central bank, they are more expensive to organize and maintain but, because they do not rely on interest deductions to eliminate their corporate tax, they are not subject to the base erosion test discussed below.
B. The Irish Tax Treaty
1. Definition of a Resident
Under the Irish treaty, a resident of Ireland includes any person who, under Irish law, “is liable to tax” in Ireland by reason of its place of incorporation. This describes section 110 companies and ICAVs. Even though neither of them pay much (if any) Irish tax, the Irish treaty Technical Explanation makes clear that an entity may be “liable to tax” without actually paying tax. Article 4(1)(d) of the treaty makes clear that ICAVs qualify. It provides that a “resident” includes, “in the case of the United States, a Regulated Investment Company and a Real Estate Investment Trust; in the case of Ireland, a Collective Investment Undertaking; and any similar investment entities agreed to by the competent authorities of both countries.” An ICAV is a Collective Investment Undertaking.
2. Limitation on Benefits: The 50% U.S. Resident Test
Under Article 23 of the Irish treaty (the limitation on benefits provision), only “qualified persons” are entitled to the benefits of the treaty. Under Article 23(2)(c) of the Irish tax treaty, an Irish resident company is a qualified person if:
i) . . . at least 50% of the aggregate vote and value of the company’s shares[] is owned, directly or indirectly, by qualified persons or residents or citizens of the United States, provided that such ownership test shall not be satisfied in the case of a chain of ownership unless it is satisfied by the last owners in the chain [the ownership test], and
ii) amounts paid or accrued by the [Irish company] during its fiscal year:
(A) to persons that are neither qualified persons nor residents or citizens of the United States and
(B) that are deductible in that fiscal year for [Irish] income tax purposes . . . (but not including arm’s length payments in the ordinary course of business) for
(1) services or tangible property, and
(2) payments in respect of financial obligations to a bank, provided that where such a bank is not a resident of either [the U.S. or Ireland] such payment is attributable to a permanent establishment of such bank, and the permanent establishment is located in [either the U.S. or Ireland],
do not exceed 50 percent of the gross income of the [company] [the base erosion test.]
The ownership test is designed to ensure that the treaty mostly benefits only Irish and U.S. taxpayers. This is achieved by requiring that at least 50% of the vote and value of an Irish company’s shares is held by “qualified persons” and U.S. residents (collectively referred to in this Article by its technical term, “good people”). The base erosion test is designed to limit nonqualified persons (and persons that are not U.S. residents) (i.e., “bad people”) from indirectly benefitting from the treaty by limiting the amount of base-eroding interest and other payments they may receive. Base-eroding interest is interest that is deductible for Irish tax purposes. There are three unusual aspects to the limitation on benefits provision of the Irish treaty.
a. U.S. Residents. For purposes of the ownership and base erosion tests under the Irish treaty, good people include “qualified persons or residents or citizens of the United States.” The inclusion of U.S. residents is very unusual. A resident under the Irish treaty includes any person who, under the laws of that state, is liable to tax therein by reason of its place of incorporation. As a result, all U.S. corporations are U.S. residents. In contrast, the equivalent Article of the Luxembourg treaty—Article 24(2)(c) and (d)—provides that only “qualified residents or U.S. citizens” are good people; for a U.S. corporation to be a qualified resident, it must be publicly traded. A nonpublicly traded U.S. corporation wholly owned by bad people is a good person for purposes of the ownership and base erosion tests of the Irish treaty but not the Luxembourg treaty. The Irish treaty Technical Explanation is clear on this. In fact, it appears that a bad person could organize a taxable C corporation to own 51% of an Irish section 110 company and own the other 49% directly.
b. The Proviso in the Ownership Test. The ownership test has an odd proviso. It says that the ownership test is not satisfied in the case of a chain of ownership unless it is satisfied by the last owners in the chain. Assume that an Irish corporation is owned by a U.S. corporation that, in turn, is owned by Bermuda individuals. Is the U.S. corporation part of a chain that requires us to look through the U.S. corporation to the Bermuda individuals and, because Bermuda individuals are not good people, the test is failed?
No. The technical explanation explains that ownership stops with a person who is entitled to benefits without reference to its owners, including a resident of the United States because neither the United States nor Ireland is concerned about treaty shopping through a U.S. resident. Thus, the chain ends with the U.S. corporation. Since the Irish corporation is owned by a U.S. resident, it satisfies the ownership test.
c. The Base Erosion Test and the Definition of Gross Income. Under the base erosion test, payments made to bad people—other than certain arm’s length payments made in the ordinary course of business—may not exceed 50% of the “gross income” of the Irish company. There is a special definition of gross income. It is the greater of (1) the gross income for the fiscal year preceding the current year and (2) the average of the annual amounts of gross income for the four fiscal years preceding the current fiscal year.
This definition causes two problems. First, under this test, the gross income for the first year is always zero. If this means what it says, then no Irish company with any bad person creditors would ever satisfy the base erosion test for the Irish company’s first year of existence because deductible bad person payments cannot exceed 50% of prior year gross income, which is zero for the first year. Despite the crystal clear language, most practitioners conclude that the provision cannot mean what it says, at least for the first year.
What about the other years? Assume that an Irish section 110 company with 50% U.S. residents and 50% bad people has issued profit participating loans to these investors proportionately. It earns $100 in its first year and $110 in the second and pays out all of that income on its profit participating loans. The payments to bad people in the second year may not exceed 50% of the first year gross income (or $50). In the second year, however, the payments to the bad people would be $55 (50% of $110). This section 110 company would not qualify for the treaty in the second year.
Some have argued that the drafters must have intended for this test to be elective because there’s no indication in the technical explanation or otherwise of any restrictive intent and, therefore, in the absence of an election to use this test, gross income is the gross income for the year being tested. However, with clear language and so much at stake, most advisors have not relied upon that argument. Instead, some section 110 companies’ profit participating loans provide that the interest is deductible only to the extent that it satisfies the base erosion test. To the extent the interest is not deductible, the Irish section 110 company will pay the 25% Irish corporate tax. Better to pay Irish corporate tax on some income than fail to qualify for treaty protection entirely for that year.
ICAVs are not concerned about this issue. Because they do not rely on interest deductions to eliminate their corporate tax, the base erosion test is not relevant.
d. Limitation on Benefits: The Derivative Benefits Test. Article 23(5)(a) of the Irish treaty provides that an Irish resident company is also entitled to the benefits of the treaty if:
i) at least 95 percent of the aggregate vote and value of all its shares is owned directly or indirectly by seven or fewer qualified persons or persons that are residents of member states of the European Union or of parties to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) or any combination thereof [the ownership test]; and
ii) such company meets the [base erosion test described above], provided that a resident of a member state of the European Union or a party to NAFTA shall be treated as a qualified person for the purposes of that test [the base erosion test].
For these purposes, a “resident of a member state of the European Union” and a “resident of a party to NAFTA” means a person that would be entitled to the benefits of a comprehensive income tax convention in force between any member state of the European Union, or a party to NAFTA, as applicable, and the United States. Weirdly, a U.S. resident may not be a resident of a party to NAFTA.
Article 23(5)(b) imposes an additional requirement on an Irish resident company relying on the derivative benefits test to claim the benefits of the interest, dividends, and royalties articles of the treaty: 95% of its shares must be held directly or indirectly by one or more persons that are residents of a member state of the European Union or of parties to NAFTA or any combination thereof, and the treaty between their home jurisdictions and the United States must provide for a zero rate of withholding on interest (or the Irish treaty rate on royalties or dividends). Otherwise, the Irish treaty rate of withholding does not apply.
Therefore, under the derivative benefits test, if an insurance company resident in Europe and eligible for the benefits of a comprehensive income tax treaty between its jurisdiction of residence and the United States that provides for a zero rate of withholding on interest owns subsidiaries in Canada, Mexico, and Europe that qualify for the benefits of a comprehensive income tax treaty with the United States, and also subsidiaries in Asian jurisdictions, and the subsidiaries own proportionate interests in all of the stock and debt in an Irish section 110 company, the Irish section 110 company will satisfy the ownership test because the derivative benefits test requires only that seven or fewer qualifying European-resident companies directly or indirectly own at least 95% of the vote and value of the Irish company. The Irish company will satisfy the base erosion test if the interest paid to the Asian subsidiaries does not exceed 50% of the Irish company’s gross income (determined under the weird rule described in Part VII.B.2.c, above). (The base erosion test is applied directly.) Since investors usually hold stock and profit participating loans proportionately, this would generally require that the European, Mexican, and Canadian subsidiaries directly own at least 50% of the capital of the Irish company at all times.
An ICAV can be organized as an “umbrella” with a series of segregated portfolio companies (or “cells”). Different groups of investors may invest in each cell; the owners of one cell may not proceed against the assets of another. Cell companies raise the question whether the ownership and base erosion tests are applied at the umbrella level (i.e., treating all investors in each cell as if they were investors in the umbrella), the cell level (i.e., treating the investors of each cell as if they were investors in a stand-alone entity without regard to investors in another cell), or both (i.e., treating the ICAV as having satisfied the ownership and base erosion tests only if it satisfies them with respect to each cell and also with respect to the ICAV as a whole). Treating each cell as a separate entity that applies the ownership and base erosion test without regard to any other cell is likely the right answer, but in the absence of any guidance and with the stakes so high, advisors assume the worst and apply the test both at the cell level and at the ICAV level. This same issue exists with Luxembourg Sàrls that have compartments, and the resolution is the same.
C. Luxembourg
1. SÀRLs
The leading Luxembourg treaty vehicle is the société à responsabilité limitée (Sàrl). Sàrls are subject to Luxembourg corporate tax and typically issue “profit participating notes” or “asset linked notes” to investors to minimize that tax. These notes allow a deduction to the Luxembourg corporation equal to most of the Luxembourg corporation’s profits.
2. The 50% “Good Person” Provision in the Luxembourg Treaty
The 50% ownership and base erosion test of the Luxembourg treaty is substantially similar to that in the Irish treaty, except in four respects. First, the Luxembourg definition of a good person is much more limited than the Irish definition. Second, the Luxembourg treaty does not have the Irish treaty’s special (and bad) gross income test. Third, the ownership test under the Luxembourg treaty must be satisfied with respect to a Luxembourg company’s principal class of shares. Finally, qualified persons are not good people for purposes of the derivative benefits provision of the Luxembourg treaty.
a. More Traditional Definition of “Good Person.” First, as mentioned above, the Irish treaty has a very favorable definition of a good person because it includes all U.S. corporations. The Luxembourg treaty is much more typical and not nearly as beneficial. Under the Luxembourg treaty, good for-profit U.S. corporations include only those that are publicly traded.
b. Absence of a Special Gross Income Test. As mentioned above, the Irish treaty has a very unusual and troubling definition of gross income for purposes of the base erosion test. Luxembourg does not have that definition. Instead, gross income has its normal meaning—gross income for the year being tested.
c. The Principal Class of Share Test. The Luxembourg treaty provides that the ownership test must be satisfied with respect to the “principal class of shares.” The treaty does not define the term “principal class of shares,” but the Technical Explanation provides that this term refers “generally to the “ordinary or common shares of [the] company,” so long as that class of shares represents the majority of the voting power and value of the company. If more than one group of classes accounts for more than 50% of the shares, it is only necessary that one such group satisfy the requirements. If there is no single class that represents a majority of the voting power and value of the company, then the principal class of shares are those classes that in the aggregate own more than 50% of the voting power and value of the company.
This provision potentially provides, alternatively, a trap or a treasure. Assume that that a Luxembourg company has two classes of shares. The first class represents 51% of the vote and value of the company and is owned 51% by a Cayman corporation and 49% by a U.S. individual. The second class represents 49% of the vote and value and is owned by a U.S. individual. Under the treaty, the first class is the principal class. Because good people do not own at least 50% of that principal class, the ownership test is flunked, even though U.S. individuals own 73% of the vote and value of the Luxembourg company.
On the other hand, assume that a Luxembourg company has two classes of stock. The first has 51% of the vote and value and, in turn, is owned 51% by an individual U.S. citizen and 49% by a Cayman Islands corporation. The second class has 49% of the vote and value and is owned by a different Cayman Islands corporation. If the first class is the principal class of shares, the ownership test is satisfied even though the U.S. person owns a little more than 25% of the vote and value of the entire company and the Cayman Islands corporations own nearly 75%.
d. The Derivative Benefits Test. The Irish treaty treats “qualified persons” as good people for the derivative benefits test. The Luxembourg treaty does not. However, the Technical Explanation for the Luxembourg treaty leaves open the possibility that a U.S. resident is a resident of a party to NAFTA (so it would be easier for a Luxembourg Sàrl to argue that a U.S. resident is a good person for purposes of the Luxembourg treaty).
D. Conduit Issues
1. Common Law Principles
Irish section 110 companies and Luxembourg Sàrls look a lot like conduits. They receive interest income and pay out nearly all of it as interest expense (at least for local law tax purposes) on their profit participating notes or asset linked notes. If a Luxembourg or Irish company is a conduit for U.S. tax purposes, then it would not benefit from the treaty.
In Aiken v. Commissioner, a Bahamian parent corporation owned a U.S. subsidiary and an Ecuadorian subsidiary. The Ecuadorian subsidiary, in turn, owned a Honduran subsidiary. The Bahamian parent corporation loaned funds to the Honduran subsidiary which, in turn, loaned the funds to the U.S. subsidiary. The U.S. subsidiary paid interest to the Honduran subsidiary, which paid an equal amount of interest to the Bahamian parent corporation. U.S. withholding tax would have applied to interest paid by the U.S. subsidiary to the Bahamian parent corporation. At the time, a tax treaty existed between the United States and Honduras that eliminated withholding tax on interest, but no treaty existed between the United States and the Bahamas. The U.S.-Honduras income tax treaty did not contain a limitation on benefits provision.
The Tax Court held that because the U.S.-Honduras income tax treaty specifically defined a Honduran corporation and the Honduran subsidiary satisfied that definition, the Honduran subsidiary could not be disregarded. However, the treaty required that for interest to be exempt from U.S. tax under the treaty, the interest must be “received” by the Honduran subsidiary. The treaty did not define the meaning of “received” and provided that any terms not otherwise defined were to be given the meaning ascribed to them by the jurisdiction imposing the tax (i.e., the United States). Applying what it concluded were “the genuine shared expectations of the contracting parties” (i.e., the governments of the United States and Honduras), the Tax Court held that, because the Honduran subsidiary “was committed to pay out exactly what it collected, it made no profit” on the transaction, and because there was no valid nontax economic or business purpose for the transaction other than to avoid U.S. tax, the Honduran subsidiary did not “receive” the interest income for purposes of the U.S.-Honduras income tax treaty. Instead, the Honduran subsidiary was merely “a collection agent” acting for the benefit of the Bahamian parent corporation with respect to the interest paid by the U.S. subsidiary. Accordingly, U.S. withholding tax was imposed on the interest payments.
A Luxembourg or Irish company should not be treated as a conduit under Aiken. In contrast to the Honduran subsidiary in Aiken, the Irish or Luxembourg company is not “committed to pay out exactly what it collect[s]” with respect to its investment portfolio, and will not have “the same inflow and outflow of funds”; instead, during the investment period of a typical fund, the Luxembourg or Irish company will be free to invest and reinvest proceeds from the disposition of investments, and both during the investment period and thereafter, payments under the profit participating or asset linked notes will be net of (1) an arm’s length profit spread, (2) expenses, and (3) taxes incurred by the Luxembourg or Irish company. Thus, the Irish or Luxembourg company should have “dominion and control” over its income.
Second, the treaty between the United States and Honduras did not have a limitation on benefits provision and, in the absence of such a provision, the Tax Court in Aiken concluded that the governments of the United States and Honduras did not intend for an item of income to be treated as received by the Honduran subsidiary where it was paid out. By contrast, the Irish and Luxembourg treaties have limitation on benefit provisions, and Article 23 of the Irish treaty and Article 24 of the Luxembourg treaty specifically provide that an Irish or a Luxembourg company, as applicable, may qualify for benefits under the relevant treaty even if some of its owners and creditors are not U.S. citizens or qualified residents and provide specifically how much interest (and other deductible amounts) may permissibly be paid to bad people. The specificity of the limitation on benefits provisions in the Irish and Luxembourg treaties also argues against the application of Aiken.
2. Treasury Regulation Section 1.881-3
Regulation section 1.881-3 permits the Service to disregard one or more intermediate entities in a financing arrangement for purposes of section 881 if the entities are acting as conduit entities. If one of the ultimate investors is a bank, these regulations could apply. For this reason, sponsors will often prohibit banks from investing in Irish or Luxembourg vehicles.
For purposes of these rules, a “financing arrangement” is a series of transactions pursuant to which one person (a “financing entity”) advances money, and another person (the “financed entity”) receives money, if the advance and receipt are effected through one or more other persons (“intermediate entities”) and “financing transactions” link the financing entity, each of the intermediate entities, and the financed entity.
If an Irish section 110 company or a Luxembourg Sàrl is treated as an intermediate entity that is linked to the ultimate investors by a financing transaction (i.e., the profit participating notes or asset linked notes issued by the Irish or Luxembourg company), and the obligors underlying the Luxembourg or Irish company’s investments are financed entities that are linked to the Luxembourg or Irish company by a financing transaction (i.e., the loans) then, under Regulation section 1.881-3, the Luxembourg or Irish company would be treated as a conduit entity and disregarded for purposes of section 881. In this case, to the extent an ultimate bank investor receives U.S.-source interest income and does not benefit from a treaty that provides for a zero rate of withholding on that interest, the investor would be subject to a withholding tax. However, the conduit rules should not apply to other investors.
Under the regulations, an intermediate entity (such as the Irish or Luxembourg company) may be treated as a conduit entity only if the entity’s participation in the financing arrangement reduces the tax imposed under section 881. As discussed below, assuming that none of the investors are banks (or, if they are, they benefit from a treaty with a zero rate of withholding on interest), if the Irish or Luxembourg company were disregarded, no tax would be imposed under section 881 because either (1) the interest income would be effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States and subject to tax under section 882 or (2) the investors would qualify for the “portfolio interest exemption” under section 881(c), for benefits under a treaty, or for both. (The loans held by a loan-origination loan fund are generally limited to loans that qualify for the portfolio interest exemption when held by nonbank investors.)
a. Effectively Connected Income. Section 881(a) generally imposes a 30% withholding tax on U.S.-source interest income, “but only to the extent the amount so received is not effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within the United States.” If an Irish or Luxembourg company is treated as engaged in a trade or business in the United States, then the interest income it receives is treated as effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States and, therefore, would be subject to tax under section 882 and not section 881. Likewise, if an Irish or Luxembourg company is disregarded under Regulation section 1.881-3, the investors would also be subject to tax under section 882 and not under section 881. Therefore, the participation of the Irish or Luxembourg company does not reduce the tax imposed by section 881.
b. The Portfolio Interest Exemption. Under the portfolio interest exemption of section 881(c), U.S. federal withholding tax is not imposed on any interest (1) that would otherwise be subject to tax under section 881(a), (2) that is paid on an obligation in “registered form” for U.S. federal income tax purposes, (3) that is not “contingent interest” described in section 871(h)(4), (4) with respect to which the paying agent receives an IRS Form W-8, (5) that is not paid to a bank on an extension of credit made pursuant to a loan agreement in the ordinary course of the bank’s trade or business, and (6) that is not received by a “10% shareholder” of the obligor or by a controlled foreign corporation (CFC) from a related person. Loans held by a loan-origination fund are generally limited to those that satisfy these requirements, except possibly item (5) with respect to a bank investor.
If banks that do not benefit from a zero rate of withholding under a treaty are prohibited from investing in the Irish or Luxembourg company, then all of the interest received by the investors in the fund should either qualify for the portfolio interest exemption or be exempt under a treaty. Because the participation of the Irish or Luxembourg company would not reduce the tax otherwise imposed under section 881, the conduit regulations should not apply to impose U.S. withholding tax.
VIII. Non-U.S. Origination
A. U.S. Manager Is an Independent Agent
In Chief Counsel Attorney Memorandum 2009-010, the Service explained the legal analysis that permits a U.S. manager that qualifies as an “independent agent” to originate non-U.S. loans on behalf of a foreign fund without causing the foreign fund to have ECI. (The foreign fund would technically be engaged in a trade or business in the United States by reason of the U.S. manager’s participation in the origination of loans to non-U.S. borrowers.)
Under section 864(c)(4)(A), foreign source interest income is generally not treated as effectively connected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or business. Foreign source interest income of a foreign corporation that is derived from the active conduct of a banking, financing, or similar business within the United States is, however, treated as effectively connected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or business if the foreign corporation “has an office of other fixed place of business within the United States to which such income, gain, or loss is attributable.” For purposes of determining whether a foreign corporation has an office or other fixed place of business under this rule, the office or other fixed place of business of an agent is disregarded unless the agent (1) has the authority to negotiate and conclude contracts in the name of the foreign corporation and regularly exercises that authority and (2) is not a general commission agent, broker, or other independent agent acting in the ordinary course of business.
Regulation section 1.864-7(d)(3) defines an independent agent in the same manner as treaties, and therefore the analysis in Taisei (discussed above in Part VI.A.1) should apply equally for purposes of Regulation section 1.864-7(d)(3). Thus, if a U.S. manager qualifies as an independent agent, then it may be given full discretionary authority to make non-U.S. loans on behalf of a foreign fund without causing that foreign fund to have ECI.
As mentioned above, because the foreign fund would be engaged in a trade or business in the United States, it avoids ECI only with respect to its foreign source income. A technical issue arises if the foreign fund also enters into currency swaps to convert non-U.S. currency into U.S. dollars. Regulation section 1.988-4(c) provides that exchange gain or loss that, under principles similar to those set forth in Regulation section 1.864-4(c), arises from the conduct of a U.S. trade or business is sourced in the United States, and the gain is treated as effectively connected to the conduct of a U.S. trade or business.
Under the asset-use test in Regulation section 1.864-4(c)(2), fixed or determinable annual or periodical gains from an asset are deemed effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States if the asset is held in a direct relationship to the trade or business in the United States. An asset is held in direct relationship to the trade or business in the United States if the asset is held to meet the operating expenses or other present needs of that trade or business. If management fees are paid in dollars and a foreign currency swap converts non-U.S. dollar currency into U.S. dollars so that the fund can pay its management fees, the asset-use test would appear to be satisfied. A direct relationship is also presumed to exist if personnel who are present in the United States and actively involved in the conduct of the trade or business exercise significant management and control over the investment of the asset. So, even if the swap is not held to meet the operating expenses or other present needs of the fund’s trade or business, if the swap is controlled by the U.S. personnel, the asset-use test would appear to be satisfied. Thus, under this test, the foreign currency gain or loss would appear to be effectively connected with the U.S. trade or business.
That said, it is entirely counterintuitive that the interest on a loan would be exempt from U.S. tax, but income from a foreign currency swap to hedge that interest would be subject to U.S. tax. An inconvenient solution would be to have the master fund that owns the foreign subsidiary enter into the swap. The master fund would qualify for the “trading in derivatives” safe harbor under Proposed Regulation section 1.864(b)-1.
Under section 865(e)(g), gain of a nonresident from the sale of personal property attributable to a U.S. office is generally U.S.-source. So any gain would be ECI. However, loan funds rarely have gain from the sale of loans.
B. U.S. Manager Is Not an Independent Agent But Does Not Have the Power to Bind
For purposes of the rules described above, the office or other fixed place of business of an agent is disregarded if the agent does not have the authority to negotiate and conclude contracts in the name of the foreign corporation or does not regularly exercise that authority, even if the agent is a dependent agent. Assume that a non-U.S. manager with discretionary authority hires an unrelated U.S. party to find non-U.S. borrowers and negotiate loans with them, but the U.S. party does not have the authority to enter into the loans on behalf of the fund. Only the non-U.S. manager would have that authority. In this case, the fund would not appear to have ECI. However, the U.S. party should take great pains to avoid the appearance of being able to bind the fund. Apparent authority may give rise to actual authority under local law.
Assume instead that a manager has a U.S. office and a non-U.S. office, but doesn’t qualify as an independent agent. The investment committee members live and work out of the non-U.S. office, and the investment committee makes all of the decisions. The U.S. office finds the non-U.S. loans and negotiates them, but the U.S. personnel do not have the authority to bind the fund. Can the fund rely on section 864(c)(5)(B) and Regulation section 1.864-7(d)?
The answer is not so clear. Regulation section 1.864-7(d) provides that the office of an agent is disregarded unless the agent has the authority to negotiate and conclude contracts in the name of the fund. In the example above, only one manager has the authority to negotiate and conclude contracts on behalf of the fund, even though the U.S. office of the manager does not.
The language of the regulation is different from the language in treaties, which provides that a dependent agent causes its principal to have a permanent establishment only if the agent “is acting on behalf of an enterprise and has and habitually exercises in a Contracting State an authority to conclude contracts in the name of the enterprise . . . .” So if the investor benefits from a treaty and invests in a treaty fund, this structure seems to work.
C. U.S. Personnel Only Exercise Final Approval Over the Execution of the Acquisition of the Loan, or Sit on the Investment Committee for Loan Origination Conducted Outside the United States
Assume the reverse: The individuals who are physically outside the United States conduct all substantive activities with respect to loan origination to non-U.S. borrowers, except that one or more U.S. individuals sit on the investment committee that approves those loans and the manager is not an independent agent with respect to the fund. Does the fund have ECI?
Regulation section 1.864-6(b)(2)(ii)(b) applies the principles of Regulation section 1.864-4(c)(5)(ii) for purposes of determining whether non-U.S. source interest income from any transaction, or gain from the sale or exchange of a security, is ECI. As discussed in Part IV.C, it is unclear what “execution of the acquisition of a security” means. Therefore, it is unclear whether this exemption is available.
D. The Subpart F Income Exception
Section 864(c)(4)(D)(ii) and Regulation section 1.864-5(d) provide that any foreign source income of a CFC that is Subpart F income is not ECI, even if the CFC is owned by non-U.S. people and even if no amount is included in the gross income of a United States shareholder. Without this rule, if a CFC entirely owned by United States shareholders was engaged in a trade or business, the CFC’s home jurisdiction could tax the income, the CFC would be taxed by the United States on the ECI, and the United States shareholders would also be taxable on the Subpart F income, leading to a potential immediate triple tax without deemed paid foreign tax credits for individual shareholders. Ostensibly, the tax policy behind this rule is to provide relief from the triple tax by foregoing U.S. corporate income tax when foreign source income is also Subpart F income of a CFC. Presumably as a matter of administrative convenience, the regulations ignore the fact that the CFC may have foreign shareholders.
Assume non-U.S. investors invest in a Delaware partnership that, in turn, owns a Cayman Islands corporation. The Cayman Islands corporation is managed by a U.S manager and originates non-U.S. loans. In its most extreme application, this regulation would allow the Cayman Islands corporation to avoid ECI on its foreign-sourced interest income. The Delaware partnership is a United States shareholder. Therefore, the Cayman Islands corporation is a CFC, and the interest would be Subpart F income, even though no person will report it. The potential triple tax contemplated by the regulations is a zero tax in this case, and still the regulations forego the U.S. tax.
If U.S. investors are involved in the Delaware partnership, this structure is not ideal for them under the current regulations. The Delaware partnership would be a United States shareholder, and all U.S. investors would report Subpart F income of the CFC. Accordingly, any long-term capital gains would be converted to ordinary income, and losses would be trapped in the CFC. Under Proposed Regulation section 1.958-1(d), however, Subpart F income would be reported only by those U.S. investors that indirectly own ten percent of the vote or value of the CFC. Other U.S. investors would treat the Cayman Islands corporation as a passive foreign investment company. Accordingly, the Delaware partnership could make a qualifying electing fund election with respect to the Cayman Islands corporation. While losses would be trapped and unusable until the liquidation of the Cayman Islands corporation, long-term capital gains could pass through.
The CFC exception applies only to foreign source income. Therefore, foreign currency and gain are potentially treated as ECI, as discussed in Part VIII.A, above.
IX. Mezzanine Funds
Mezzanine (or mezz) funds are funds that originate a limited number of mezzanine or second lien loans, often acquiring equity or options in the borrower, and sometimes with some governance rights. Mezz funds take the position that they are not engaged in a trade or business in the United States under two rationales. First, while they do originate loans, they argue that they are not in the business of making loans because they make relatively few loans, and second, they are not competing with domestic banks. Mezz fund investments are generally more speculative than bank loans: the subordinate nature of their loans and equity investments subjects them to more risk, and these loans and equity provide more yield and greater return than banks receive when they make loans.
However, as discussed above in Part II.D, the Service argues that the phrase “trade or business” has different meanings depending on the context, and therefore the phrase as used in section 864 may not have the meaning of the phrase for purposes of sections 162, 166, and 7704. Second, there is no official or unofficial Service or other guidance that distinguishes mezz funds from more traditional senior loan funds. In fact, in Example (3) of Regulation section 1.864-4(c)(5)(vii), a foreign bank makes a loan to a U.S. borrower and receives back equity in exchange. Therefore, the drafters of Regulation section 1.864-4 contemplated that lenders could receive equity from borrowers. The example holds that the dividends and any gain on the equity (along with interest on the loan) is ECI.
Mezz fund guidelines typically will limit the number of loans that the fund can make each year and over the term of the fund. Some guidelines limit the fund to an average of five loans a year.
Other guidelines limit the number of loans to ten a year and 40 over the term of the fund. Guidelines that allow a higher number of loans each year typically require that the loans be accompanied by a significant equity investment in the obligor. For example, such a set of guidelines might require that the fund (1) reasonably expect when it makes an investment that the equity component of the expected pre-tax internal rate of return will be more than 20% with respect to the investment or (2) hold at least five percent of the equity or equity-type rights of the borrower.
Nevertheless, these guidelines might also permit the fund to make up to three investments a year and 12 investments during the life of the fund that do not satisfy the equity component requirement so long as the loan component of these nonconforming investments do not exceed 30% in principal amount or number of all loans and the equity component represents at least five percent of the fair market value of the accompanying loan or else that the loan is expected to produce equity-like returns. The guidelines might also allow up to two “bullets” a year—loans that do not satisfy any criteria—provided that such a loan is made in consultation with the fund’s tax advisors.
Guidelines may also require that the fund not be registered as a bank, dealer, underwriter, or market-maker and not share in fees for services. They also might require that (1) all loans be subordinated and unsecured and have a minimum five-year term (but generally a six- to eight-year term), (2) the fund hold all loans for at least two years and not reinvest the proceeds of the loans, and (3) the fund seek governance rights in the underlying issuer, such as the right to consult with and advise issuer management, the right to receive regular financial reports, or the right to observe and participate on the board of directors of the issuer.
Some mezz guidelines limit the amount of debt the fund can incur to a 1:1 debt-to-equity ratio, plus additional short-term debt. Generally, the guidelines prohibit the fund from acquiring a revolving loan, but some permit the fund to enter into a delayed drawdown term loan so long as the fund’s future funding obligations are fixed and the fund does not have any discretion as to whether or not to fund the drawdown.
X. “Horizontal” Season and Sell
A. In General
In a “horizontal” season-and-sell structure, an “onshore fund” with only U.S. and, possibly, treaty eligible investors will originate a loan, wait a period of time (typically 60 days), and then offer to sell a portion of the loan to an “offshore fund” managed by the same manager. If the offer is accepted, the actual sale of the loan typically may be executed no sooner than 90 days after the loan origination. Only the onshore fund will earn origination fees. The offshore fund will employ an “independent investment professional” (IIP), who is independent of the manager and acts on behalf of the investors in the offshore fund. The IIP will typically be given absolute discretion to purchase the loan, reject the purchase, or renegotiate the terms of the purchase (typically price). Often the offshore fund will obtain an independent valuation of the loan to help aid the IIP’s decision.
The theory underlying season and sell is that, because the offshore fund has no obligation to purchase the loan offered to it by the onshore fund, the onshore fund is not acting as the agent of the offshore fund when it originates the loan, and a 90 day period is sufficient for the onshore fund to establish its ownership. Therefore, when the offshore fund purchases the loan, it should qualify for the trading in securities safe harbor.
Season-and-sell structures pose three commercial issues. First, because the onshore fund will hold loans for at least 90 days before selling them to the offshore fund, the onshore fund will earn the origination fees and will earn more interest income than the offshore fund; therefore, the investment returns of the two funds will diverge. Second, because the onshore fund will have to purchase more of each loan than it intends to ultimately retain, and is required to hold that portion of the loan for at least 90 days before it can sell that portion to the offshore fund, the onshore fund will be unable to purchase loans as frequently as it might otherwise prefer. This problem is sometimes referred to as a “capacity issue” because the onshore fund may lack the capacity to buy the loans it wants to buy, by reason of holding loans for sale to the offshore fund.
Finally, if an adverse event occurs with respect to the borrower or the market within the 90 day period, the IIP may refuse to purchase the offered portion of the loan, in which case the onshore fund will be left holding both its own portion of the loan and the offshore fund’s portion, at the worst possible time.
Season and sell works if the IIP is making independent investment decisions on behalf of the offshore investors, and can so convince a fact finder. Season and sell does not work if the IIP blindly approves each offer. The best IIPs have a history of evaluating loans, apply that experience to each loan, act independently, document their decisions, and act as credible witnesses if called to testify. IIPs are usually paid either a fixed fee for each loan or a fixed fee each year regardless of the number of loans. They may act for more than one offshore fund but should, in each case, act only for buyers whose interests are not adverse.
Typically, the general partner of the fund will name the initial IIP, but a majority of investors may remove the IIP for any or no cause. The general partner may then propose a replacement IIP who will be appointed unless a majority of the investors object within 30 days. If the IIP resigns, the general partner appoints his or her replacement.
B. Season-and-Sell Mechanics
The mechanics of a season-and-sell structure might work as follows. The onshore fund purchases a loan without consulting the IIP. The IIP is not consulted because were the IIP consulted prior to loan-origination approval either the origination activity could be imputed to the IIP or else, psychologically, the IIP would be far less likely to reject the loan after the 90-day period. The object of the season-and-sell structure is for the IIP to be given complete discretion to accept or reject the loan following the seasoning period.
After the onshore fund has funded and closed a loan, it would hold it for at least a 60-day period. After that 60-day period, the onshore fund would offer a portion of the loan to the offshore fund (often in the form of a participation interest). The offer would be accompanied by all of the materials (such as the investment memorandum) that were used by the onshore fund to make its purchase determination. These materials should describe the proposed investment and the terms of the offer, and the manager of the onshore fund should be available to provide market color to the IIP and answer questions. Also, at that time, a third-party valuation would be commissioned by the offshore fund. The IIP would be required to make a decision on the loan no sooner than the ninetieth day following the funding and closing of the loan, and any valuation would be updated to that date. Valuations may be ranges or specific amounts. The IIP would not be bound by the valuation and could decide to purchase a loan for an amount in excess of the valuation. However, in this event, the IIP should document the reasons for the decision. The onshore fund would keep any fees it received for originating the loan, and any interest that accrued while it owned the loan.
In the case of subsequent closings of the onshore or offshore funds where “rebalancing” must occur between the two funds (i.e., portions of loans are bought or sold between the funds), the IIP must approve any additional purchases by the offshore fund (but only after the 90-day period has ended), but need not approve sales. (Sales do not pose origination risk.)
C. Authority for Season and Sell
For U.S. tax purposes, the offshore fund will be treated as engaging in any activity in which its agents engage. If the onshore fund is acting as the agent of the offshore fund and the onshore fund originates loans, then the offshore fund will be treated as originating loans. Season and sell rests upon basic agency principles.
An agent for this purpose is defined under common law principles. The Restatement (Third) of the Law of Agency defines agency as the consent by one person (the “principal”) that another person (the “agent”) act on the principal’s behalf, subject to the principal’s control. Agency has been held to require (1) the ability of the agent to bind the principal, (2) the existence of a fiduciary relationship between principal and agent, and (3) the ability of the principal to control the conduct of the agent with respect to the matters entrusted to it.
These elements are not present in the relationship between the onshore fund and the offshore fund. There is no formal or informal agency agreement between the onshore fund and the offshore fund. The onshore fund will not have the power to bind the offshore fund, and the onshore fund will purchase loans for itself, without any assurance that the offshore fund will purchase any portion of the loans. In fact, the IIP (representing the offshore fund) will not typically be shown the identity or terms of any loan until at least 60 days after the onshore fund has funded and closed the loan, and the onshore fund will be entitled to all fees and interest that accrue during the period that it owns the loan and will be subject to all market (and other) risks during that period.
Moreover, the offshore fund will be under no obligation to purchase any loan from the onshore fund. The IIP will represent only the offshore fund and its investors with respect to the purchase of loans from the onshore fund and, in his or her sole discretion acting on behalf of the offshore fund, may accept or decline the offer to purchase a loan from the onshore fund or negotiate the terms of any purchase. In addition, the offshore fund will obtain from an independent third-party expert a valuation of a loan that is offered by the onshore fund and provide the valuation to the IIP. Finally, the offshore fund will not have any right to control the onshore fund and will not in fact control the onshore fund.
In Amalgamated Dental Co. v. Commissioner, a U.K. corporation owned approximately one-third of the stock of a U.S. corporation. As a result of difficulty shipping goods to its customers in the United States during World War II, the U.K. corporation entered into an agreement with the U.S. corporation whereby the U.S. corporation would fill orders from the customers of the U.K. corporation and pay the U.K. corporation the difference between the retail price and the wholesale price of the orders.
Rather than treat the U.S. corporation as the agent of the U.K. corporation, which would have subjected the U.K. corporation to U.S. federal income tax, the Tax Court held that because there was no formal agreement between the two companies and the U.S. corporation was not paid as an agent, no agency existed. Instead, the court treated the U.K. company merely as having purchased the goods and directing the U.S. corporation to ship them to the U.K. corporation’s customers.
Likewise, no agency agreement will exist between the onshore fund and the offshore fund, and the onshore fund will not be paid as an agent. Therefore, under Amalgamated Dental, the onshore fund does not appear to be the agent of the offshore fund.
Similarly, courts have held that an agency relationship does not exist when the purported agent does not have the power to bind the purported principal. For example, in Griffin v. United States, the court held that an agency relationship did not exist when the purported agent did not have the power to commit the purported principal to business relationships with third parties. And in Cadwallader v. Commissioner, in which a U.S. corporation sent orders to a Filipino corporation but the Filipino corporation was free to accept or reject them, the court held that the U.S. corporation was not the agent of the Filipino corporation.
As in Griffin and Cadwallader, the onshore fund will not have the power to bind the offshore fund. Instead, the offshore fund (acting through the IIP) will independently decide whether to purchase or reject any loan and will have full discretion to negotiate price. Accordingly, under these cases, the onshore fund should not be considered the agent of the offshore fund.
Of course, agency cases are decided on their facts. If the manager of the onshore fund can bind the offshore fund by, for example, forcing it to take a loan or otherwise controls the IIP, or if there is an understanding that the IIP will simply accept each loan that is offered by the onshore fund, an agency relationship could be found.
D. Variations on Season and Sell
In the typical season-and-sell structure, as described above, a single manager manages both the onshore and offshore fund, but an IIP is given discretion to make purchase decisions on behalf of the offshore fund. In this situation, a 90-day seasoning period is typical.
Assume instead that an originating party (which could be a bank or an onshore fund) merely offers loans to an unrelated non-U.S. investor and the investor has the sole discretion to purchase, reject, or negotiate the terms of the loans. Under the best of facts, it is possible that such an arrangement could satisfy the guidelines discussed in Part V.E, above, in which case the seasoning period could be as little as 48 hours. If no strings are attached to the decision to purchase or reject, then the existence of an agency relationship should not be much of a concern.
Unfortunately, the facts are rarely so good. For example, the parties may agree that if the non-U.S. investor were to reject more than a fixed number of loans, the originating party will stop offering them. Or the parties may have an understanding that the non-U.S. investor will accept all offered loans that satisfy certain criteria (although the understanding is not legally binding). These factors may lead the parties to increase the seasoning period. The next usual stopping point is 14 days. Analogous authority is found in a series of private letter rulings relating to spinoffs. Under these private letter rulings, an intermediary is respected as the owner of the debt of a distributing company if the intermediary assumes meaningful risk for a minimum time period, which is established as five days of price and event risk and 14 days of execution and credit risk. Although the private letter rulings are now obsolete in light of Revenue Procedure 2018-53, the concept originated in the section 108 context and appears to reflect a broader principle of tax ownership and agency.
XI. “Vertical” Season and Sell
In a vertical seasoning structure, a fund establishes a U.S. subsidiary that is treated as a corporation for U.S. tax purposes. The fund capitalizes the subsidiary with equity (and sometimes also debt). The U.S. subsidiary originates loans, holds them for a period of time, and then sells the loans to the parent for a price usually determined under a transfer pricing methodology to be fair market value.
In a 2014 Tax Club paper, Stuart Leblang, Daniel Paulos, and Brett Fieldston developed the rationale for vertical season and sell. In a number of cases, arm’s length transactions between parents and their subsidiaries have been respected, and the subsidiaries were not treated as agents of the parents. Leblang, Paulos, and Fieldston conclude that it is harder to find agency between parents and their subsidiaries than between unrelated persons.
The holding period for vertical seasoning is usually longer than that for horizontal seasoning—180 days versus 90 days (some sponsors use shorter periods for each)—because of increased concern regarding agency in a related-party context. In addition, to best align with the authorities respecting transactions between parents and their subsidiaries, often the subsidiary is required to have its own employees. And, finally, to avoid a circular cash flow when the U.S. subsidiary sells a loan to its parent (which might encourage a court to disregard the structure), the subsidiary must “trap” and not distribute the cash immediately. These requirements add some administrative inconvenience to the vertical season-and-sell structure.
While strong authorities exist that respect corporate subsidiaries and decline to find them as the agents of their parents, the vertical season-and-sell structure does not really reflect the parent-subsidiary relationships of those cases. Rather than a parent engaged in business and conducting transactions with its subsidiaries, which are themselves engaged in independent businesses, in a vertical season-and-sell structure, the sponsor manages each of the parent and the subsidiary to minimize the tax of the subsidiary. That difference might bring the vertical season-and-sell structure outside the typical parent-subsidiary agency cases. And as Leblang, Paulos, and Fieldston explain, outside the parent-subsidiary context, courts are far more likely to find agency when control exists. The sponsor does control both the parent and the subsidiary.
XII. Leveraged Blockers
Under a leveraged blocker structure, non-U.S. investors invest in an offshore feeder, typically organized as a Cayman Islands partnership and treated as a partnership for U.S. tax purposes. The offshore feeder, in turn, organizes a U.S. blocker, frequently as a U.S. limited partnership or limited liability company that checks the box to be treated as a corporation for U.S. federal tax purposes. The U.S. blocker invests capital into a master partnership, usually organized as a U.S. limited partnership, into which U.S. investors also invest. As capital is called by the offshore feeder from investors, the offshore feeder simultaneously makes loans and invests equity capital into the U.S. blocker, which the U.S. blocker, in turn, invests as equity into the master partnership. U.S. investors may invest directly in the master partnership or invest in an onshore feeder, typically organized as a U.S. limited partnership that is treated as a partnership for U.S. tax purpose, which in turn invests in the master partnership.
Over the life of the structure, the U.S. blocker pays (or accrues) interest to the offshore feeder. Optimally, the U.S. blocker would pay no dividends, but would instead reinvest any profits until it liquidates. The interest payments made by the U.S. blocker to the offshore feeder reduce the U.S. blocker’s taxable income. Those interest payments are structured to benefit from the portfolio interest exemption so they are not subject to U.S. withholding tax. The debt-equity ratio and the interest rate of the U.S. blocker’s debt is typically set by an accounting firm under a transfer pricing model.
If a fund’s investments yield is 14%, the U.S. corporation is funded 75% with debt and 25% with equity, the interest rate on the debt is 8%, and the aggregate federal and state tax rate is 24%, then a leveraged blocker can reduce the taxes that would otherwise be imposed on an unlevered corporation by 43% from 24% (taking into account state taxes) to 13.7%.
Typically, no foreign investor will own ten percent or more of the offshore feeder. This is the easiest way to ensure that the interest paid by the U.S. blocker to the offshore feeder qualifies for the portfolio interest exemption from withholding tax.
If a foreign investor owns ten percent or more of the offshore feeder (and therefore ten percent or more of the voting stock of the U.S. blocker), interest paid by the U.S. blocker to the offshore feeder and allocable to the foreign investor would not be eligible for the portfolio interest exemption. To address this, the U.S. blocker could be “decontrolled.” Decontrol requires the sponsor to invest some amount (often one to two percent of the debt and equity of the U.S. blocker) in exchange for all of the voting stock of the U.S. blocker. If no foreign investor owns ten percent or more of the voting stock of the U.S. blocker (and no foreign investor is a CFC that is related to the U.S. blocker), the interest would appear to qualify for the portfolio interest exemption.
By investing an amount equal to one to two percent of the capital of the U.S. blocker in exchange for all of the U.S. blocker’s voting stock, the sponsor hopes to demonstrate that it is the real owner of the voting stock and that it will exercise its vote solely to benefit itself and not to benefit the investors. Nevertheless, a sponsor that exercises its vote to benefit itself rather than its investors might hear loud complaints from investors and might have trouble raising the next fund. If the sponsor is deemed to exercise its vote on behalf of the investors, the investors might be deemed to hold the voting stock of the U.S. blocker, thereby subjecting the ten percent or greater foreign investors to U.S. withholding tax on interest.
The repeal of downward attribution in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) presents a further challenge to a decontrol structure. Section 881(c)(3)(C) denies the portfolio interest exemption for interest received by a CFC from a “related person” as defined in section 864(d)(4). Section 864(d)(4), in turn, provides that a related person includes any “United States shareholder” of a CFC, and any person who is a related person (within the meaning of section 267(b)) to such a United States shareholder.
So, assume a foreign parent corporation has a foreign subsidiary and that foreign subsidiary owns all of the nonvoting stock of a U.S. corporation.
A foreign corporation is a CFC if more than 50% of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote or the total value of the stock of the corporation is owned directly, indirectly, or constructively by “United States shareholders” on any day during the taxable year of the foreign corporation. A “United States shareholder” is a U.S. person that owns directly, indirectly, or constructively ten percent or more of the total combined voting power or value of the foreign corporation.
Section 958 provides indirect and constructive stock ownership rules that deem a taxpayer to own stock that it does not own for purposes of determining whether it is a “United States shareholder” of a foreign corporation and whether a foreign corporation is a CFC. For these purposes, section 958(b) requires taxpayers to apply the attribution rules of section 318(a), which generally treat a shareholder as constructively owning stock owned by taxpayers with whom the shareholder has certain specified relationships. Under the “upward attribution” rules of section 318(a)(2)(A), (B), and (C), as modified by section 958(b)(2), if 50% or more in value of the stock of a corporation is owned by an entity, that entity is considered as owning all of the stock owned by that corporation. Under these rules, in the hypothetical described above, the foreign parent is deemed to own the stock of the U.S. blocker owned by its foreign subsidiary.
Under the “downward” attribution rules of section 318(a)(3)(A), (B), and (C), stock owned by a person (such as the foreign parent) is attributed to certain partnerships, estates, trusts, and corporations in which the person has an interest. Under these rules, because the foreign parent owns the stock of the foreign subsidiary and is treated as owning the stock of the U.S. blocker under the upward attribution rules, the downward attribution rules treat the U.S. blocker as owning the stock of the foreign subsidiary owned by the foreign parent.
Prior to the TCJA, section 958(b)(4) prevented the “downward attribution” of stock held by a foreign person to a U.S. person. Section 958(b)(4) was repealed by the TCJA. Section 958(b)(4) would have prevented the U.S. blocker from being treated as owning the stock of the foreign subsidiary.
In contrast, following the repeal of section 958(b)(4), the U.S. blocker is treated as owning the stock of the foreign subsidiary. As a result, the foreign subsidiary is a CFC, the U.S. blocker is a United States shareholder of the foreign subsidiary, and the two are related. Therefore, the interest paid by the U.S. blocker to the foreign subsidiary fails to qualify for the portfolio interest exemption and is subject to a 30% U.S. withholding tax. This result was not intended, but it has not been repealed.
For investment structures where this is an issue, the can could be kicked down the road by providing that any interest will be payable upon maturity in the hope that Congress will eliminate downward attribution in these circumstances before the interest is payable. That, however, raises the question of whether the U.S. blocker is entitled to deductions before the amounts are paid.
Business development companies (BDCs) are ’40 Act companies that are treated as “regulated investment companies” (RICs) for federal income tax purposes. BDCs offer the most perfect tax vehicle for U.S. loan origination by foreign investors. As a RIC, a BDC is a corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes and therefore serves as a “blocker,” meaning that foreign investors need not file tax returns or pay taxes for the activities of the BDC. So long as a BDC distributes all of its income each year, it can avoid a corporate-level tax. And so long as its loans qualify for the portfolio interest exemption (which they almost always do), a BDC’s dividends attributable U.S. source interest earned by the BDC also escape U.S. withholding tax. However, this exemption does not extend to dividends attributable to foreign source interest earned by the BDC. Accordingly, a BDC is not an appropriate vehicle to originate non-U.S. loans. As mentioned above in Part I, BDCs are tax-free U.S. loan-originating machines, but the tax freedom comes with regulation. And regulation is often worse.
XIV. Where Do We Go From Here?
Nearly 20 years ago, I asked whether a foreign fund that originates loans is engaged in a trade or business in the United States. The Service eventually answered yes. But that answer has not stopped foreign funds from originating loans and has not yielded significant tax revenue.
Existing law principles do not provide a coherent framework for taxing origination activity. First, there is no defensible policy basis for treating the secondary market purchase of a loan differently than a loan origination. Lending is no longer a capital-intensive business, and regardless of whether a bank originates a loan and then sells it to a fund or a fund originates the loan itself and holds it, U.S. taxpayers (the bank in the first case and the U.S. investment manager in the second) are taxed equivalently at demonstrably arm’s-length prices for the services rendered. And in neither case does the fund generate any goodwill. The bank in the first case and the investment manager in the second hold all of the goodwill generated by the activity.
Second, there is no legal or historic basis on which to tax foreign loan-originating funds. The trading in securities safe harbor defines a security to include “any note, bond, debenture, or other evidence of indebtedness.” That definition includes a loan for good reason. In the 1960s, there wasn’t the slightest bit of concern with foreign lenders competing with U.S. banks, and because any foreigner that held a U.S. loan would have been subject to a 30% withholding tax on interest, the government was happy to exempt foreign lenders from net income tax in order to subject them to a gross withholding tax. There was a concern with competition in the 1980s, but only with respect to foreign banks. In 1984, Congress subjected only foreign banks to interest withholding.
The absence of any comprehensive guidance or any coherent policy, legal, or historic basis to tax foreign nonbank lenders has led to a vacuum that was filled by the various work-arounds described above. Most of them rely on very technical readings of authorities, principles developed decades ago in different contexts, or arbitrary distinctions. Seasoning structures rely on the absence of agency, a common law principle dating back hundreds of years. Treaties are also decades old. The concept of bullets derives from authorities that the Service has disclaimed. Treating a loan originated 48 hours previously as a secondary market loan is arbitrary.
Since the past is the best predictor of the future, it is highly likely that the current patterns will continue: Foreign funds will increasingly originate loans, new structures will arise, and no new guidance will be issued. Nevertheless, alternative paths are possible.
It is possible that the Service will challenge foreign funds that directly lend without relying on one of the structures described above. Such a challenge happened in Chief Counsel Attorney Memorandum 2009-010. But it did not deter foreign funds from using the structures described above. If the Service were to challenge one of the structures described above, it would deter sponsors and investors from that particular structure and shift them to a different one.
Finally, Congress could step in and clarify or expand (depending on your point of view) the securities trading safe harbor so that it includes origination activity.
The Managed Funds Association and the Real Estate Roundtable have proposed the following changes to include origination activity in the securities trading safe harbor explicitly, exclude it explicitly from the definition of commercial activity for purposes of section 892, and provide a conforming change to section 475:
1. Amend section 864(b)(2) by adding the following new sub-paragraph:
(2)(C) Lending or restructuring loans for taxpayer’s own account.
(i) Making a new loan or otherwise extending new credit to a borrower for the taxpayer’s own account, including negotiating and structuring the terms thereof, whether by the taxpayer or his employees or through a resident broker, arranger, or other agent, and whether or not any such employee or agent has discretionary authority to make decisions in effecting the transactions.
(ii) Negotiating and restructuring the terms of an existing loan or other extension of credit to a borrower for the taxpayer’s own account, including a loan or extension of credit that was not originally made by the taxpayer, whether by the taxpayer or his employees or through a resident broker, arranger, or other agent, and whether or not any such employee or agent has discretionary authority to make decisions in effecting the transactions.
This sub-paragraph (2)(C) shall not apply in the case of (i) a dealer in securities or (ii) a creditor that receives fees or other compensation from other creditors for performing services in the ordinary course of a trade or business, such as originating, syndicating, participating, or otherwise arranging, managing, or restructuring a loan or extension of credit for such other creditors. For purposes of this sub-paragraph (2)(C), a “dealer in securities” means a merchant of securities, with an established place of business, that regularly engages as a merchant in purchasing stocks or securities and selling them to customers with a view to the gains and profits that may be derived therefrom.
2. Re-number existing sub-paragraph 864(b)(2)(C) as 864(b)(2)(D).
3. Modify section 475(f)(1)(D) as follows:
(D) Other rules to apply. Rules similar to the rules of subsections (b)(4) and (d) shall apply to securities held by a person in any trade or business with respect to which an election under this paragraph is in effect. Subsection (d)(3) shall not apply under the preceding sentence for purposes of applying sections 864(c)(2), 1402 and 7704.
4. Add new sub-paragraph 892(a)(2)(C) as follows:
(2)(C) Lending or restructuring loans for taxpayer’s own account.
The activities described in section 864(b)(2)(C) (whether within or outside the United States) shall not constitute commercial activities.
It makes sense to amend the trading in securities safe harbor. Nevertheless, this proposal is both too broad and too narrow.
First, as drafted, the proposal would allow foreign banks to set up a branch in the United States and offer mortgage loans (and generate goodwill) without being subject to any U.S. federal income tax. On the other hand, under the proposal, if a foreign fund originates a loan, participates it out, and retains a fee, not only would that fee be subject to U.S. federal income tax, but the fund would be kicked entirely out of the safe harbor (and presumably all of its income could be taxed).
I suggest a different approach. The defining feature of credit funds is that they are passive investment funds managed by independent investment managers and do not generate goodwill. REITs are similar passive vehicles. To ensure that REITs do not engage in an active business, the REIT rules require, in certain circumstances, that the potentially active business be conducted through an “independent contractor” that (1) bears the cost of the services, (2) is adequately compensated, and (3) makes a separate charge for the services that are provided and retains the compensation. The purpose and operation of the independent contractor test is similar to the independent agent test in treaties. If a principal does not economically control its agent, then the market and not the principal will set the price for the agent’s services, and the agent will be adequately compensated for its services. Because an independent agent is fully compensated for its services (and the independent agent’s jurisdiction can tax that compensation), the principal cannot capture any value generated by the services, and the independent agent’s jurisdiction need not tax the principal. By the same token, since an independent contractor is fully compensated for its services, a REIT cannot profit from those services and remain a passive investor.
The independent contractor test is a little less restrictive than the independent agent test and is more appropriate in the manager context. The independent agent test requires a manager to have multiple clients, and the compensation from any one client (at least under common practice) cannot represent more than 25% of the manager’s revenue. Start-up managers cannot qualify even though there is a large and established market price for their services. The independent contractor test as applied to REITs has some quirks. For example, a corporation that serves as the investment manager to a REIT cannot qualify as an independent contractor. In contrast, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the REIT’s investment manager can qualify as an independent contractor. To avoid these anomalies, I would modify the independent contractor test so that it is based on economic interest alone. To avoid confusion with the REIT test, and to better describe it, a manager that satisfies the test would be called a “nondependent agent.”
An entity would be deemed a nondependent agent only if (1) it does not own, directly or indirectly, a greater than 35% economic interest in the fund, (2) not more than 35% of the economic interest of the entity is owned, directly or indirectly, by one or more persons owning a 35% or greater economic interest in the fund, and (3) the fund does not derive or receive any material amount of net income from the entity.
Requiring origination activity to be conducted through a nondependent agent would prevent a fund from conducting a banking business in the United States or otherwise generating goodwill. It could also allow the safe harbor to be extended to funds that participate out the loans that they originate. Participating out a loan is a service for which the U.S. investment manager would be fairly compensated, and taxed. So long as the participants are not customers of the fund (and they ordinarily would not be), the fund need not be taxed on the income. In fact, if U.S. investment managers are conducting the activity, are receiving fair market value fees for the service, and are taxed on the income, then there would be no reason why the safe harbor could not be extended to dealer activity.
I would, therefore, modify the proposal to amend section 864(b)(2) as follows:
(2)(C) Lending or restructuring loans for taxpayer’s own account.
(i) Making a new loan or otherwise extending new credit to a borrower for the taxpayer’s own account, including negotiating and structuring the terms thereof, through a nondependent agentwhether by the taxpayer or his employees or through a resident broker, arranger, or other agent, and whether or not any such nondependent agent has discretionary authority to make decisions in effecting the transactions.
(ii) Negotiating and restructuring the terms of an existing loan or other extension of credit to a borrower for the taxpayer’s own account, including a loan or extension of credit that was not originally made by the taxpayer, through a nondependent agentwhether by the taxpayer or his employees or through a resident broker, arranger, or other agent, and whether or not any such nondependent agentemployee or agent has discretionary authority to make decisions in effecting the transactions.
This sub-paragraph (2)(C) shall not apply in the case of (i) a dealer in securities or (ii) a creditor that receives fees or other compensation from other creditors for performing services in the ordinary course of a trade or business, such as originating, syndicating, participating, or otherwise arranging, managing, or restructuring a loan or extension of credit for such other creditors. For purposes of this sub-paragraph (2)(C), a “dealer in securities” means a merchant of securities, with an established place of business, that regularly engages as a merchant in purchasing stocks or securities and selling them to customers with a view to the gains and profits that may be derived therefrom.”a “nondependent agent” is a person (1) that does not own directly or indirectly, a greater than 35% economic interest in the taxpayer, (2) not more than 35% of the economic interest of which are owned, directly or indirectly, by one or more persons owning a 35% or greater economic interest in the taxpayer, (3) with respect to which the taxpayer does not derive or receive any material amount of net income, (4) that bears the cost of its negotiating, restructuring, and investment management services, and (5) is adequately compensated for those services.
Re-number existing sub-paragraph 864(b)(2)(C) as 864(b)(2)(D).