Sorting Out Partner Payments
Congress enacted section 707 in 1954 to address the tax treatment of paymentsby a partnership to its partners and to distinguish such payments fromdistributive shares of partnership income.
Volume 75, Issue 1
Congress enacted section 707 in 1954 to address the tax treatment of paymentsby a partnership to its partners and to distinguish such payments fromdistributive shares of partnership income.
Through the CARES Act, Congress established a generous Paycheck ProtectionProgram (PPP). Under that program, recipients would get loans thatcould easily qualify for tax-free forgiveness.
Tax policy and practice are inherently interdisciplinary, involving the closecollaboration of lawyers, accountants, and economists. But the presence andstrength of the legal profession in a field tha…
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When President Trump permitted the Service to defer employees’ SocialSecurity taxes in 2020 as a result of COVID-19, he claimed it was a “modest,targeted action.”…