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U.S. Treasury Department & IRS
Proposed Regulations Under Section 894(c) Relating to Payments Made by Domestic Reverse Hybrid Entities (Dec. 6, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 894
ESOP Refinancings Under ERISA Fiduciary Provisions (Nov. 30, 2001)
I.R.C.§: various
Section 705 of the Internal Revenue Code Regarding Basis in a Partner's Interest (Nov. 28, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 705
Excluding Charitable Contributions from the Definition of "Collateral Source" (Nov. 26, 2001)
I.R.C.§: various
Examples of Small and Medium-Sized For-Profit Businesses in New York City Negatively Affected by the September 11th Terrorist Attacks on the World Trade Center That Would Benefit from Charitable Grants (Nov. 19, 2001)
I.R.C.§: various
IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service - Legislative Recommendations (Oct. 18, 2001)
I.R.C.§: various
Request for Confirmation from the IRS that Charitable Loans and Grants Provided to For-Profit Business Entities Affected By the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks Are Excludable From Income (Oct. 16, 2001)
I.R.C.§: various
Regulations Governing Practice Before the IRS (Circular 230) (Aug. 13, 2001)
I.R.C.§: n/a
Current Language in Form 990 Regarding Reporting of Compensation Arrangements by Exempt Organizations (July 31, 2001)
I.R.C.§: various
Proposed Regulations Under Section 355(E) Defining a “Plan (or Series of Related Transactions)” (July 26, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 355(e)
Regulations Under Section 368 Regarding Mergers Involving Disregarded Entities (July 26, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 368
IRS Notice 2001–10 (July 23, 2001)
I.R.C.§: n/a
Proposed Amendment to the Regulations Under Section 1031 on Definition of “Disqualified Person” (May 31, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 1031(k)
Section 6015 Proposed Regulations (May 24, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 6015
Forthcoming Regulations Regarding Constructive Sales (May 23, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 1259
Proposed Regulations Under Section 121 (May 7, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 121
IRS Notice 2001–10 (April 23, 2001)
I.R.C.§: n/a
Proposed Amendments to Circular 230 (April 23, 2001)
I.R.C.§: n/a
Temporary and Proposed Regulations Under Section 4958 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (April 16, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 4958
Proposed Treasury Regulation 301.7430-7 (April 2, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 7430
Proposed Amendments to the United States Sentencing Guidelines (March 30, 2001)
I.R.C.§: n/a
Prop. Treas. Reg. §§ 1.401(A)(4)-8(B)(1) and 9(B)(2)(V) Governing So-Called “New Comparability Plans” (March 30, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 401
Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program (March 21, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 4975
IRS Strategic Plan - Statement before the IRS Oversight Board (March 20, 2001)
I.R.C.§: n/a
IRS Strategic Plan - Letter to IRS Commissioner (March 5, 2001)
I.R.C.§: n/a
Industry Issue Resolution Pilot Program under Notice 2000-65: Financial Services Issues (March 1, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 166, et. al.
FSA 199926034: FICA Liability for ESPPs (Feb. 28, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 423
Temporary and Proposed Regulations Under Sections 6011, 6111, and 6112 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Additional Comments) (Feb. 21, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 6011, 6111, 6112
IRC Section 1031 Open Issues Involving Partnerships (Feb. 21, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 1031
IRS Announcement 2000-84 on the Need for Guidance Clarifying the Application of Internal Revenue Code Provisions to Use of the Internet by Exempt Organizations (Feb. 21, 2001)
I.R.C.§: various
Tax Simplification Recommendations (with AICPA & TEI) (Feb. 12, 2001)
I.R.C.§: n/a
Tax Simplification (with AICPA & TEI) - Supporting Letter (Feb. 12, 2001)
I.R.C.§: n/a
Revision of Charitable Remainder Trust Sample Forms (Jan. 23, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 170
Charitable Loans and Grants to Businesses (Nov. 8, 2001)
I.R.C.§: various
Tax Shelter Disclosure Act (Sep. 6, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 6011, 6662, 6701, 6708
Recommendations for Reducing Complexity in Calculating Taxes on Capital Gain Income (Aug. 10, 2001)
I.R.C.§: n/a
Tax Simplification (April 26, 2001)
I.R.C.§: various
Revised Corporate Tax Shelter Discussion (Feb. 14, 2001)
I.R.C.§: 6662, 6701, 6707, 6708