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If you have changes to the information submitted in your final spotlight

Following the final spotlight deadline, please continue to submit any updates to your committee’s panels (speaker changes, description changes, etc.). Updates to the online agenda used in marketing for the conference will be posted weekly. Changes to panel run times or scheduling of committee sessions are no longer possible as this information has been finalized in the application for CLE credit.

Review your committee's information for the printed program

You will receive a PDF copy of your committee’s listing in the final printed program for review. Please review and submit any edits prior to the deadline for “Fine-tuning” Edits for Printed Program. Any “Invited” tags should be removed from speakers at this stage. Any “additional speakers TBA” tags will be removed at this stage.

If you have changes to your committee’s information after the “Fine-tuning” Edits deadline

Changes made after this deadline (late speaker substitutions, for example) cannot be included in the printed program, but will be implemented online and in the meeting app, if possible.