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Information to include in your final spotlight:

  • Final Panel Titles
  • Detailed Panel Descriptions

    Important: Generic “hot topics” or “recent developments” type descriptions will no longer be accepted by the ABA CLE department for credit. All panel descriptions should include specific examples of topics to be discussed. These topics do not need to be final – you can still make changes to what subjects you will cover. But you do need to specify a few specific areas that you currently plan to address in each panel.

    Example: "The panel will discuss recent developments in [Committee] area." - this description is not detailed enough.

    "The panel will discuss recent developments in [Committee] area. Topics to be covered include: X; Y; Z and any other important developments that arise before the meeting date." - this description would be accepted for CLE credit. 
  • Speaker Lists for Each Panel

    List all speakers who are confirmed or invited. While your speaker list does not have to be “final” at this stage, you must include speakers for each panel – this is a requirement for CLE credit
  • Learning Objectives for Each Panel

    Learning objectives are “Measurable outcomes that participants should accomplish upon completion of a learning activity.” Your learning objectives should consist of two or more “bullet points” that contain specific, concrete statements of what an attendee can expect to take away from your session. 

What are final spotlights used for? 

  • Promoting the meeting

    Final spotlights are included in the meeting agenda that is posted to the meeting website and used in promotional messages. Promotional messages may highlight panel topics or speakers listed in your final spotlight.
  • CLE Credit Application

    The information we require at the final spotlight stage is used in our application to offer CLE & CPE credit at the meeting.
  • Initial layout of “printed” meeting program

    You will have chances to review and make “fine-tuning” changes before the meeting program is submitted for printing, but your final spotlights are used to create the initial layout for the program.