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2024-2026 Tax Analysts Public Service Fellowship Application

The application for the 2024-2026 Tax Analysts Public Service Fellowship is now closed. Thank you for your applications! We will have updates soon.

The Tax Analysts Public Service Fellowship was created in response to a need for tax legal assistance for low-income taxpayers, to foster a greater interest in tax-related public service and to provide seasoned attorneys the opportunity to move into the public interest sector.

What is the Tax Analysts Public Service Fellowship?

In response to a need for tax legal assistance for low-income taxpayers, to foster a greater interest in tax-related public service and to provide seasoned attorneys the opportunity to move into the public interest sector, the ABA Section of Taxation and Tax Analysts have developed a unique new fellowship to deepen the tax practice in organizations representing low-income taxpayers. The fellowship will build on the success of the Section’s fellowship for recent law school graduates, the Christine A. Brunswick Public Service Fellowship, established in 2008.

Applicants will be expected to identify and secure a position with a Sponsoring Organization before applying for the Tax Analysts Public Service Fellowship. All Fellowships must involve taxation or administration of tax law and must be with a public interest, non-profit organization, or a government entity. Each fellow is expected to make a two-year commitment to the Sponsoring Organization. 

For real stories of the impact public service fellows with the Tax Section can make, listen to testimonials of Christine A. Brunswick Public Service Fellows