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2022-24 Award Recipients

Anna Gooch
Philadelphia, PA

2021-23 Award Recipients

Nirali Patel
Greater Boston Legal Services
Boston, MA

2020-22 Award Recipients 

Shailana Dunn-Wall
Legal Aid of Nebraska
Omaha, NE

Terri Morris
Community Tax Law Project of Richmond, Virginia
Richmond, VA

2019-21 Award Recipients

Evan Phoenix
Bet Tzedek Legal Services
Los Angeles, CA

Andre Robinson
Southeast Louisiana Legal Services
New Orleans, LA

2018-20 Award Recipients

Omeed Firouzi
Philadelphia Legal Assistance
Philadelphia, PA

Anastassia Kolosova
Accounting Aid Society
Detroit, MI

2017-19 Award Recipient

Catherine Martin
Community Legal Services, Inc.
Philadelphia, PA

2016-18 Award Recipients

Laura LaPrade
Community Tax Aid, Inc.
Washington, DC

Catherine Strouse
Legal Aid Society
San Diego, CA

2015-17 Award Recipients

Daniel Knudsen
Oklahoma Indian Legal Services
Oklahoma City, OK

Frank DiPietro
Ronald M. Mankof Tax Clinic and the Center for New Americans
Minneapolis, MN

2014-16 Award Recipients

Patrick Thomas
Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic
Indianapolis, IN

Lany Villalobos
Philadelphia Legal Assistance
Philadelphia, PA

2013-15 Award Recipients

Susanna Ratner
SeniorLAW Center
Philadelphia, PA

Susanna Birdsong
National Women’s Law Center
Washington, DC

2012-14 Award Recipients

Jane Zhao
Center for Economic Progress
Chicago, IL

Ana Cecilia Lopez
University of Washington School of Law
Federal Tax Clinic
Seattle, WA

2011-13 Award Recipients

Sean Norton
Pine Tree Legal Assistance of Maine
Portland, ME

Anna Tavis
South Brooklyn Legal Services/Immigrant Workers’ Tax Advocacy Project
New York, NY

2010-12 Award Recipients

Katie Tolliver
Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands
Nashville, TN

Douglas Smith
Community Action Program of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

2009-11 Award Recipients

Laura Newland
AARP’s Legal Counsel for the Elderly,
Washington, DC

Vijay Raghavan
Prairie State Legal Services
Rockford, IL