ABA Free CLE Update
The series allows members to earn free continuing legal education credits. Monthly upcoming programs/topics include: “The Solo/Small Firm Challenge: Conquering Adversity and the Imposter Syndrome” on July 16, and “Disaster Resiliency: Opportunities for Pro Bono Before and After Disaster Strikes” on August 20. Please note that to increase the ABA member value proposition, Membership is offering the recordings for free to members for three months after their live run. The series is not meant to compete with entities’ CLE portfolios; it is meant to allow members to get more value for their membership dollars. Please contact Dan Becker at daniel.[email protected] with ideas for future topics and speakers. The current program lineup is always available at ambar.org/freecle.
Forgot Where the ABACLE’s Client Resource Page Is?
We frequently get asked where the Center’s client resource page is for partners looking for all sorts of information about doing programs right and getting the most out of working with us. The page is at: www.americanbar.org/groups/cle/client_resources.html.