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August 31, 2017

Editor’s Message

This is my swan song. After four years I am stepping down as Editor of State & Local Law News. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with Rick Bright, our ABA Managing Editor, Beth Kinne, our Associate Editor, and Bill Scheiderich, our new Associate Editor who will take over as Editor with the Fall 2017 issue, as well as Tamara Edmonds Askew, Leola Grant Tucker, and the full range of Section Chairs, officers, council members, and committee chairs and authors to communicate with our approximately 7,000 members and provide substantive content.

We are committed to using State & Local Law News to link and coordinate the information and content available to our members: online and printed versions of this quarterly that include articles, the Supreme Court review, chapters of books published by the Section, a message from the Section Chair, lists of available conferences and webinars, and, of course, member news.

This issue is no exception. In anticipation of the Sanctuary Cities CLE that the Section will offer at the ABA Annual in New York City on August 11, 2017, Leon Rodriguez has written an “Immigration Crash Course.” Sophia Stadnyk has her usual outstanding article on the U.S. Supreme Court in the final days of the 2016–17 term. Ellen Rosenblum reflects on her year as Chair; “Member News” offers congratulations; the “Nominating Committee Report” sets the stage for the next bar year; a short piece on the Section’s successful resilience resolution highlights an issue that we brought to the Board of Governors; and the profiles of Jefferson Fordham Award recipients make us proud to be state and local government lawyers. On Page 1 we list upcoming Fall and Spring Section Conferences in Savannah and Detroit and a save-the-date when our traditional Midyear CLE content will be available as webinars rather than live in Vancouver. “Come to Savannah” highlights the Fall Conference and the Fall Meeting agenda spells out the where and when. The graphic on Page 16 is a refrigerator magnet that Robert Thomas’s firm developed for distribution at our meetings to publicize the Fall and Spring Meetings.

Thank you all for the opportunity to edit this publication.

Warm regards,

Erica Levine Powers, Editor