The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.
—Harriet Ann Jacobs
Since the last newsletter issue, the Section of State and Local Government has had two extremely successful meetings. At the ABA Midyear Meeting in San Diego, we had three outstanding programs: “Cars, Cars, Cars,” “Water and the Drought” and “Hot Topics in Diversity Law: Same Sex Marriage and Employee Benefits Discrimination.” The diversity of the panelists was excellent and the diversity of topics speaks for itself. Moreover, the collaboration with other ABA divisions/sections was amazingly beneficial and gave our members exposure to those sections’ programming and benefits without any additional cost. We were able to collaborate with the Antitrust Section, Law Student Division, Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice, Senior Lawyers Division, Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights and Responsibilities, and the Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division.