7am – 5pm
Registration & Hospitality
Pre-function Area – Floor 3
7 – 9am
Esquire – Floor 3
8:15 – 9:15am
"Sanctuary" Cities, and Conflicting Federal and State Immigration Policies: What's a Contractor to Do?
Founders A & B – Floor 3
Many states and cities disagree with the Trump Administraton's approach to immigration, and have objected by establishing "sanctuary" cities and adopting other policies which have put state and local contractors in difficult positions, especially those who work across multiple jurisdictions. This expert panel will discuss how different states' efforts work with, or run up against, federal policy. We will detail how employers are affected, and what steps contractors can take during the procurement process to ensure compliance with federal and state laws. This informative session will provide critical information on a hot-button, high-risk area of the law in time of uncertainty.
- Kaytie Pickett, Jones Walker, Jackson, MS
- Viviana Martinez, Esq., Assistant Special Legal Counsel to the President, Legal and Government Affairs, Office of the President, Cook County, Chicago, IL
- Leon Rodriguez, Seyfarth Shaw, Washington, DC
9:30 – 10:45am
Governments Are Leading the Way with Energy Procurement
Founders A & B – Floor 3
Governments are some of the largest property managers. From an energy perspective, this can mean large electric and gas bills and reliance on old technologies. But there are ways building managers can both reduce costs and lead the way towards energy use from cleaner sources. This panel will discuss, through case studies, how state and local governments are already using energy contracting to source renewable energy, innovative technologies, and make buildings more efficient energy users. This interactive discussion will provide useful tips for state and local attorneys involved in the procurement process.
- Alexander W. Judd, Day Pitney LLP, Hartford, CT
- Monica Berry, NRG Energy, Buffalo, NY
- Tony DesChenes, former procurement lead for the State of Michigan, Michigan Legislative Consultants, Lansing, MI
- David Ginsberg, Partner, Crowell & Moring, Los Angeles, CA
- Steve H. Hilfinger, Foley and Lardner, Detroit, MI
- Joaquina Borges King, Esq., Senior Counsel, Eversource Energy, Berlin, CT
11am – 12:15pm
State and Local Pay to Play and Ethics Restrictions
Founders A & B – Floor 3
This panel will consider trends and recent developments in state and local government restrictions on contractors’ activities related to elections and lobbying, including “pay to play” prohibitions and restrictions on gifts to government officials, as well as tips for contractors navigating the myriad different statutes and regulations in this area.
- Brandis Zehr, Wiley Rein LLP, Washington, DC
- Steven I. Berlin, Executive Director, Chicago Board of Ethics, Chicago, IL
- Jared DeMarinis, Director – Candidacy and Campaign Finance Division, Maryland State Board of Elections, Annapolis, MD
- Donna Y. Frazier, Parish Attorney, Shreveport, LA
- Brett G. Kappel, Akerman LLP, Washington, DC
12:30 – 2pm
Lunch Program
Crystal Ballroom – Floor 4
Presenter will be Honorable Dennis Archer, Chairman and CEO, Dennis W. Archer PLLC; Chairman Emeritus, Dickinson Wright PLLC; former Detroit Mayor; and former ABA President
2:30 – 4pm
Pay for Success — Private Financing for Public Social Services Programs
Founders A & B – Floor 3
- Government identifies a critical social issue with historically poor outcomes such as recidivism, chronic homelessness, or early childhood education.
- Private Funders such as foundations, banks and businesses, provide upfront capital to a high-performing social service provider that is helping a specific at-risk target population.
- Service Providers deliver services to key at-risk communities, in an effort to reach or exceed predetermined outcomes for success.
- Evaluators rigorously measures outcomes to ensure providers achieve impact.
- Government repays private funder’s initial investments only if project is successful in achieving positive outcomes.
- Pamela Parrish, Chief Legal Counsel – Transactional & Economic Development, City of Detroit, Detroit, MI
- Wendy Jackson, Managing Director, Kresge Foundation, Detroit, MI
- Fraser Nelson, Managing Director, Sorenson Impact Center, Salt Lake City, UT
- Wells Parker, Dorsey & Whitney, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jack Robinson, Ph.D., Chief Research Officer, Sorenson Impact Center, Salt Lake City, UT
4:15 – 5:45pm
Flint Water — Ethics in Local Government
Founders A & B – Floor 3
This panel will examine the various legal ethical issues that arose throughout the Flint Water Crisis, which highlight issues relevant to public works contracting and state and local government attorneys generally. In particular, this panel will focus on the issues that arose as a result of the interplay of local and state entities in trying to address the crisis.
- Michael P. Donaldson, Carlton Fields, Tallahassee, FL
- Peter D. Jacobson, JD, MPH, Professor Emeritus of Health Law and Policy Director, Center for Law, Ethics, and Health – University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI
- Nikkiya T. Branch, Esq., Associate General Counsel, Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, Detroit, MI
- Patrick Rose, Patrick Levine Rose PLC, East Lansing, MI
7 – 9pm
Texas de Brazil Dinner ($65 / person)
1000 Woodward Ave
Detroit, MI
Texas de Brazil is carving a new experience in dining. The restaurant is an authentic Brazilian-American “Churrascaria”, or steakhouse, that combines the cuisines of Southern Brazil with the generous spirit of Texas.
Treat yourself to a 50 – 60 item seasonal salad area that includes appetizers, gourmet vegetables, soups, and salads. Turn your place card to green and prepare to be swarmed by a troop of carvers generously serving various cuts of seasoned beef, lamb, pork, chicken, and Brazilian sausage, all accompanied by traditional side items and house-baked Brazilian cheese bread.