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October 03, 2023

2018 Annual Meeting

Welcome to Chicago!

Welcome to Chicago!

Section of State & Local Government Law

Hyatt Regency Chicago
151 E Wacker
Chicago, IL
August 2 – 5, 2018

Thursday, August 2

Noon – 1pm
AGDJ Committee Meeting
Grand Suite 3 (East Tower - Ballroom Level)
Call-in: 866.646.6488
Access code: 476.263.2730#

Noon – 1pm
Young Lawyers Committee Conference Call
Call-in: 866.646.6488
Access code: 606.576.8852#

1:15 – 2:15pm
Executive Committee Meeting
Grand Suite 5 (East Tower - Ballroom Level)
Call-in: 866.646.6488
Access code: 476.263.2730#

2:30 – 4pm
#MeToo, Time's Up — Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (Complimentary Session)
The Section is a program co-sponsor of this session

Grand Ballroom (East Tower - Ballroom Level)

The unsettling revelations that launched the “Me Too” and “Time's Up” movements have starkly highlighted the implications on all employers. ABA President Hilarie Bass will lead a discussion on the birth of the movement, its implications across industries, and what lies ahead. Join us for this special Annual Meeting plenary program to learn:

  • How the entertainment industry is addressing sexual harassment following a rash of claims against high profile executives
  • The experience of a victim of sexual harassment in a legal setting and how the legal profession is stepping up to provide pro bono support to victims
  • Emerging law firm practice areas being established to assist employers in navigating the complex issues surrounding workplace sexual harassment
  • How the federal judiciary is evaluating their codes of conduct and procedures for investigating inappropriate behavior in the workplace
  • Novel ways employers are working to protect the futures of their employees and their businesses in the wake of “Me Too.”


  • Hilarie Bass, President, American Bar Association
  • Hon. M. Margaret McKeown, Circuit Judge for United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit; Member, Federal Judiciary Workplace Conduct Working Group; Chair, ABA Rule of Law Initiative
  • Tina Tchen, Partner, Buckley Sandler, LLP; former Chief of Staff to First Lady Michelle Obama; Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund
  • Nicole Vander Does, Chief Counsel, ABA Standing Committee on the American Judicial System

5:30 – 6:45pm
Climate Resilience and Adaptation: Policy Options from Retreat to Infrastructure Reinvestment CLE ($50 / person [purchase tickets through ABA Annual Meeting registration site])Sponored by the Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law; Land Use Planning and Zoning Community; and Section of State and Local Government Law
Grand Suite 3 (East Tower - Ballroom Level)

This panel will examine several case studies from the Chicago region and across the Country, and describe how each jurisdiction has adopted policies and worked with state and federal agencies to address climate change impacts. Federal law defines the Great Lakes as a “coastal” area, and Illinois has the 6th largest population residing in coastal shoreline counties by state. Find out what this region has in common with a low-lying community in Louisiana — the Isle de Jean Charles — which is expected to disappear completely over the next 50 years and is undergoing a massive, federally sponsored relocation effort.

Learn how programs short of full-scale relocation, including governmental buyouts, downzoning and infrastructure reinvestment are helping communities in Chicago and beyond address climate change impacts. Hear how Cedar Rapids, Iowa has responded to repeat riverine flooding.


  • Tina Campbell Hebert, Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann LLC, New Orleans, LA
  • Brian Daly, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, Chicago, IL
  • Hari M. Osofsky, Dean, Penn State Law & the Penn State School of International Affairs; Distinguished Professor of Law — Professor of International Affairs & Geography, University Park, PA
  • Dan Rees, Deputy Executive Counsel, State of Louisiana Division of Administration
  • David Silverman, Partner, Ancel Glink, Chicago, IL

7 – 8pm
Networking Reception
Clark Hill (130 E Randolph, Suite 3900)

RSVP for the reception through the ABA Annual Meeting registration page.


Friday, August 3

8 – 9am
Council Meeting and Publication Presentations
ABA Chicago Headquarters (321 N Clark St)
North Boardroom (21st floor)
Call-in: 866.646.6488
Access code: 476.263.2730#

9 - 10am
ABA Connect Presentation for Section Leaders
ABA Chicago Headquarters (321 N Clark St)
North Boardroom (21st floor)

9 – 10am
Robert Thomas on YLD panel
Marriott Chicago Magnificient Mile (540 N Michigan Ave)

9 – 11am
SOC Membership Meeting
Hyatt Regency (151 E Wacker Dr)

10 – 11:30am
State Attorneys General and Federalism in the Obama / Trump Eras CLE ($50 / person [purchase tickets through ABA Annual Meeting registration site])
ABA Chicago Headquarters (321 N Clark St)
South & Center Boardrooms (21st floor)

Much has been made about the effectiveness of state attorneys general when it comes to taking advantage of states' rights and federalism concepts in litigation, particularly in the past year and a half. Using examples of major cases brought by state AGs, involving the travel ban, DACA, the Census and the ACA, an expert panel will provide a lively point / counterpoint to some of these cases in the context of longstanding academic principles of federalism and states' rights. Expect some fireworks!


  • Ellen Rosenblum, Oregon Attorney General
  • William H. Hurd, Partner, Troutman Sanders; first Solicitor General, State of Virginia (1999 – 2004), Richmond, VA
  • Daniel B. Rodriguez, Dean & Harold Washington Professor, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, Chicago, IL
  • Misha Tseytlin, Solicitor General, State of Wisconsin

Noon – 2pm
Jefferson B. Fordham Award Luncheon ($75 / person [purchase tickets through ABA Annual Meeting registration site])
Maggiano's (111 W Grand Ave)

In 1998, the ABA Section of State and Local Government Law was inspired to establish the Jefferson B. Fordham Awards to honor the accomplishments of practitioners and institutions active in the varied areas of practice associated with State and Local Government Law.

2018 Jefferson B. Fordham Awards honorees:

  • Lifetime Achievement Award
    Adriane J. Dudley, Esq.
    Dudley Rich LLP, St. Thomas, VI
  • Advocacy Award
    Michael Travis Phelps
    San Diego City Attorney's Office, San Diego, CA
  • Up & Comers Award
    Brian J. Connolly, Esq.
    Otten Johnson Robinson Neff + Ragonetti, PC, Denver, CO
Keynote Speaker
  • Misha Tseytlin, Solicitor General, State of Wisconsin

Noon – 1:30pm
SOC Chairs & Chairs-Elect Meeting

2:30 – 4pm
Social Media, Security & Election Law CLE ($50 / person [purchase tickets through ABA Annual Meeting registration site])Sponsored by Standing Committee on Election Law
ABA Chicago Headquarters (321 N Clark St)
South & Center Boardrooms (21st floor)

Following up on a successful Section-sponsored presentation on Cybersecurity Best Practices in Elections presented at the June 8, 2018 Paris Sessions, this Annual Meeting CLE program will address accountability and election security preparedness, social media weaponization during the runup to elections, securing election systems, and the role of contractors in providing government entities with reliable and secure equipment for elections.

It will provide an overview of best practices developed by the U.S. Election Commission, NIST and other global organizations. It will also center on critical insights into cybersecurity threats and how to manage them in key segments of the electoral process. That is a process that includes election administration, voting machines, and counting and certification of votes, as well as election integrity and its broader implications.

These extraordinarily current concerns over election security and integrity in the wake of hacker attacks and global cybersecurity threats were addressed in Paris and will include discussion of the threat landscape, cybersecurity election infrastructure, and cyber-risk management across national borders, as well as cyber ethics, interference in elections through propaganda, fake news, and social media manipulation that collectively have triggered alarm across the world.

The takeaway for this program will be the framework for recommendations, policies and practices that address how these risks can be effectively managed in today's turbulent global environment, all of which will be addressed in a resolution to be submitted to the ABA House of Delegates during the Annual Meeting.


  • Benjamin E. Griffith, Griffith Law Firm, Oxford, MS
  • Lance Gough, Executive Director, Chicago Board of Elections
  • John H. (Jack) Hardin Young, Senior Counsel, Sandler Reiff
    Chair of the ABA Senior Lawyers Division, Washington, DC
  • Lucy L. Thomson, Founding Principal, Livingston PLLC
    Past-Chair, ABA Section of Science and Technology; Member, ABA Cybersecurity Task Force, Washington, DC
  • David Wheeler, Chapman Spingola, LLP, Chicago, IL
  • Adam Lasker, General Counsel, Chicago Board of Election Commissioners

4 – 5:30pm
SOC Business Meeting

6 – 7:30pm
Chair-Elect's Reception
NPR Studio – WBEZ 91.5FM Chicago Public Media
Navy Pier
(848 E Grand Ave)

Featuring Marilynn Gardner, CEO, Navy Pier

RSVP for the reception through the ABA Annual Meeting registration page.


Saturday, August 4

8 – 9am
Membership Committee / Diversity Committee / One ABA
ABA Chicago Headquarters (321 N Clark St)
South Boardroom (21st floor)

9 – 10:30am
Land Use Committee
ABA Chicago Headquarters (321 N Clark St)
North Boardroom (21st floor)

10:30 – 11:30am
ABA Chicago Headquarters (321 N Clark St)
North Boardroom (21st floor)
Call-in: 866.646.6488
Code: 476.263.2730#

11:30am – 12:15pm
Marketing / Electronic Communications
ABA Chicago Headquarters (321 N Clark St)
Legal Education Conference Room (21st floor)

12:15 – 1:15pm
All Committees' Meeting — Conference Planning
ABA Chicago Headquarters (321 N Clark St)
North Boardroom (21st floor)

  • San Antonio
  • Las Vegas
  • LUI
  • Spring

2 – 4pm
Saturday Night Live – The Experience! — Museum of Broadcast Communications (360 N State St)
($20 / person [purchase tickets through ABA Annual Meeting registration site])


Sunday, August 5

8 – 10am
Council Meeting & Nominating Committee Report
Hyatt Regency (151 E Wacker Dr)
Acapulco Room (West Tower - Ballroom Level)
Call-in: 866.646.6488
Access code: 476.263.2730#

Noon – 2pm
Margaret Brent Women Lawyers of Achievement Awards Luncheon
Hyatt Regency (151 E Wacker Dr)
Grand Ballroom (East Tower - Ballroom Level)
($87.50 / table tickets [purchase tickets from Marsha Boone.])

1:30 – 4pm
Section Delegates' Business Meeting


*Conference schedule is tentative and subject to change.

Registration Information

Attending State & Local Government Law Section Meetings and Events Only?
Register for the ABA Restricted Registration at $95 / $295 non-members and then proceed to the State & Local programs and events listed on the ABA Annual Meeting registration page to order program & event tickets.

Save with the Jefferson B. Fordham Society 20th Anniversary package
Three CLE programs ($50 each without package), one Jefferson B. Fordham Awards Luncheon ticket, two receptions - $200! Select the package option when you purchase your tickets.


The Section's home hotel is the Hyatt Regency Chicago located at 151 E Wacker Dr., Chicago, IL. The room rate is $209 Standard plus tax per room per night. Check-in: 3pm; Check-out: Noon. Further information can be found on the ABA Annual Meeting web page.

Airline Discounts

With ABA Egencia, you can automatically obtain ABA negotiated airfare discounts for travel to the ABA Meetings. ABA Egencia enables you to purchase the best airfare at the time of booking, by providing you with the ability to search for and compare fares from virtually every airline serving the destination.

Reservations with ABA Egencia can be made online or offline. For offline reservations, call 877.833.6285. ABA Egencia is available online via ABA Travel Services. ABA airfare discounts on some carriers may also be obtained by purchasing your tickets under the ABA Discount Codes directly from the airline or through your travel agent.

American Airlines ABA Discount only available at ABA Egencia.

United Airlines
800.426.1122 For ABA Meetings Only: Agreement Code: 621691 / Z Code: ZXDR.
Discount available at Online Discount Code: ZXDR621691, not for leisure travel.

Delta Airlines
800.328.1111 ABA File Global Meeting Code: NMP56.
Discount available at Online Meeting Event Code: NMP56.

A travel profile is required when booking airline reservations with ABA Egencia.

CLE Program Materials

Prior to the program, all advance registrants will receive an email with a link to the CLE materials. No printed materials will be available onsite. You are encouraged to bring a laptop, notebook or tablet to view the materials onsite. Complimentary Wi-Fi access will be available.

CLE Credit

For information about CLE accreditation in your state, visit this link.

A limited number of scholarships are available for this program. For more information, please contact Marsha Boone.

Tuition Assistance

A limited number of registration fee reductions are available for this program upon application. The fee-reductions will be determined on a one-time only, case-by-case, first-come first-serve basis. Requests must be received three weeks prior to program. You will be notified prior to the program if your application is approved. A minimal fee may be charged on all approved applications to defray expenses. For programs with tuition costs of $500 or more, qualifying attorneys will receive at least a 50% reduction in the course fee(s) only.

To apply, send an email or letter outlining the basis for your request of a fee reduction to:
Marsha Boone
ABA Section of State & Local Government Law
321 N Clark St
18th Floor
Chicago, IL 60654