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Type: Direct Certification and Approved Private Certification Programs

State Programs: Administrative Law; Business Bankruptcy; Civil Appellate; Civil Trial; Consumer Bankruptcy; Construction; Consumer & Commercial Law; Criminal Appellate; Criminal Law; Child Welfare; Estate Planning & Probate; Family Law; Health Law; Immigration & Nationality; Juvenile Law; Labor & Employment; Legislative and Campaign; Oil, Gas & Mineral; Personal Injury Trial, Property Owners Association; Commercial Real Estate; Residential Real Estate; Tax Law; Workers' Compensation

Private Programs: Business Bankruptcy; Civil Practical Advocacy; Civil Trial Advocacy; Consumer Bankruptcy; Creditors' Rights; Criminal Trial Advocacy; Elder Law; Privacy Law; DUI Defense; Legal Professional Liability; Medical Professional Liability

Regulatory Scheme: Rule 7.04 prohibits lawyers from advertising that they are certified except where the certification has been awarded by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization [TBLS] or an entity accredited by the TBLS [Rule 7.04(b)(2)]. Lawyers certified by the TBLS may state, "Board Certified, (Area of Specialization) - Texas Board of Legal Specialization" and lawyers certified through programs accredited by the TBLS may state, "Certified (Area of Specialization), (Name of Certifying Organization)" [Rule 7.04(b)(2)(i),(ii)]. Other specializations require a disclaimer either that the area advertised is "Not Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization" or that "No designation has been made by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization for a Certificate of Special Competence in this area", whichever is appropriate.

Leo Figueroa, Executive Director
Texas Board of Legal Specialization
505 E. Huntland Drive, Suite 400
Austin, TX 78752

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions about these web pages please let us know.  Email Specialization