Thank you to the members of the Senior Lawyers Division who attended our annual meeting and voted to elect me as chair of the Division for 2024-2025. I am grateful for your vote of confidence. I am also excited about the start of a new bar year and the opportunity to get to know you personally through your work on committees or boards.
I invite each of you to register and come to our 2024 Fall Meeting that is being held in Annapolis, Maryland, September 26-28, 2024. At this meeting, we will kick off the SLD’s Elder Fraud Prevention and Detection Initiative, you may register here.
As with any endeavor, planning the fall meeting took a lot of time and effort, I would like to thank the Host Committee: Midgett Parker, Michael W. Davis, Kerwin Miller, Nelson Jones and Robert L. Brown. Co-chairs of the committee: Judge Marcella Holland and Monica Johnson, Co-Vice Chairs Patrick Goudreau and Michael Lyles, and committee members: Judge Patricia Banks and Judge Sidney Butcher. Nothing we accomplish at SLD can be done without our member volunteers.
If you would like to become actively involved in SLD this year start by visiting the Senior Lawyers Division on the American Bar Association’s website and explore the many free member benefits available to you.