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Voice of Experience

Voice of Experience: October 2024

Philanthropy: Is It Only for the Rich and Famous?

Karren J Pope-Onwukwe


  • After participating in the ABA’s 2023 Giving Day, SLD kicked off its Elder Fraud Prevention and Detection Initiative at its 2024 Fall Meeting back in September.
  • The donations made for 2024 Giving Day will allow the Senior Lawyers Division to have a greater impact in the wider community.
Philanthropy: Is It Only for the Rich and Famous?

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Many years ago, I looked up the word philanthropy and discovered that the Greek meaning of the root word means “loving people,” it is interesting to me that the word now is used to describe people or organizations that donate their money, time, and experience to create a better world. I consider the American Bar Association’s Senior Lawyers Division to be a philanthropic organization in the true meaning of the word. That is why I am proud to be a member.  Last year, SLD participated in the 2023 ABA Giving Day, and through generous donations from members, we raised $4,935.00, which enabled SLD to kick off our Elder Fraud Prevention and Detection Initiative at our 2024 Fall Meeting. Thank you to everyone who contributed!

This year, SLD will be participating in the 2024 ABA Giving Day on October 24, 2024, and we have expanded the scope of our fundraising to include the following:

  1. Financial fraud awareness initiative for seniors
  2. Wellness and addiction awareness resources for lawyers
  3. Retirement Starter Series programs for lawyers moving forward from active practice to retirement
  4. Partnership with AmeriCorps RSVP, a program designed to leverage elder American’s skills post-retirement
  5. Center for Excellence in Alzheimer’s and Dementia and our relationship with the Alzheimer’s Association

The donations will allow the Senior Lawyers Division to have a greater impact in our wider community when we use the funds raised to: 

  1. Make presentations on financial fraud awareness initiatives offered to provide lawyers, their clients, and the public with resources from the CFPB and federal/state government programs designed specifically for seniors.
  2. Create live and on-demand webinars and support resources available to lawyers on wellness and addiction designed specifically for seniors.
  3. Create live and on-demand webinars, articles, and other resources for lawyers who may be considering retirement and how to move forward with the best information
  4. Support the SLD Pro-Bono Committee to engage members seeking opportunities to give back post-retirement by volunteering with AmeriCorps RSVP and our Commercial Law Development Program run through the U.S. Department of Commerce.

In our continuing effort to make this a better world, your donation on the 2024 ABA Giving Day will allow the Senior Lawyers Division to continue our programs that support lawyers, seniors, and the American family. I hope that I can count on each member of SLD to be a philanthropist on October 24, 2024, and give a generous tax-deductible gift when you receive the Senior Lawyers Division’s solicitation. 
